Berry Overnight Oats by Stephanie Olzinski, RDN

Who thought such a little tiny seed could produce such an amazing abundance of nutrition like fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants. Add a few other key ingredients and you've got yourself a serving of berry overnight oats that'll wake those taste buds up first think in the morning!

 ¼ cup rolled oats
 ½ cup regular or plant milk
 ¼ cup plain non-fat Greek yogurt
 1 tsp chia seeds
  tsp cinnamon
 ¼ cup blueberries


Combine oats, milk, and chia seeds and stir well.


Sprinkle cinnamon, add blueberries, and place the Greek yogurt on top of the mixture.


Keep the oats in the fridge overnight so that the mixture can soak up the liquid. Add other toppings as desired.


Notes: The oats can be eaten cold or heated up when ready to eat.