Signs and Symptoms of Poor Emotional Health

Mental and emotional illness does not discriminate. It does not care how much money you have, where you live, your age, or the color of your skin. It effects all shapes and sizes of people all over the globe. Do not hesitate to reach out to our team in the event that you or your child are struggling. We are here to help!

Please reach out to us if you or your child experience:

  • Consistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness
  • More than usual irritability, anger, aggression or hostility
  • Tearfulness or frequent crying
  • Withdrawal from friends and family
  • Loss of interest in activities that you used to love
  • Changes in eating and sleeping habits
  • Unusual restlessness and agitation
  • Feelings of worthlessness and guilt
  • Excessive fatigue or lack of energy
  • Difficulty concentrating due to racing thoughts
  • Thoughts of death or suicide
  • Self-Mutilation (e.g. cutting / burns)
  • Declining grades in school or performance at work
  • Substance abuse, including alcohol and drug (illegal and legal drugs) use
  • Neglect in hygiene and other matters of personal appearance
  • Emotional distress which brings on physical complaints (aches, fatigues, migraines, etc.)
  • Risk taking behaviors
  • Suddenly giving away favorite belongings or promising them to friends and family members
  • Extreme cheerfulness following periods of depression
  • Expression of bizarre or unsettling thoughts

At NOAH, we offer behavioral health consulting and traditional outpatient counseling programs and services where these highly skilled and trained behavioral health staff work alongside our medical and dental teams to assess, diagnose and effectively treat the core-symptoms of our patients.