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Family Summer Screen Time Plan by Dr. Patty Avila, Pediatrician

It is officially summer, and the kids are out of school. Yay! During this time, it is especially important to find healthy ways to keep them happy and active. Putting together a routine will help make it easier for your child to avoid spending too much time being sedentary on their phones or watching television.

During the summer try to minimize screen time on the following devices:
– Television
– Computers
– Smartphones
– Video gaming systems
– Tablets

Not using screen time wisely can influence how children feel, learn, think and behave in unhealthy ways.
Having a “Screen Time Plan” can help your child learn how to use electronics wisely. Try setting up a routine that is easy to follow.

For example:
• Have you made your bed, cleaned your room, finished your chores?
• Are you ready for the day – eaten breakfast, brushed your teeth, combed your hair, and gotten dressed?
• Have you read for 20 minutes?
• Have you done some type of physical activity for at least 30 minutes -1 hour? (examples: playing outside, riding bike, jumping on the trampoline, playing a sport, dancing, tumbling).
• Have you done something creative today? (examples: draw, color, cook or bake).

If your child completes one or more of these activities, then YES, they can have some screen time. Place limits on the amount of time spent on electronics as well. Maybe for each activity completed, they earn 30 minutes of screen time. If you are struggling to find activities for your child to do or they are just unwilling to participate in their new summer routine, schedule an appointment with your NOAH provider. We would be more than happy to help you and your child develop healthy habits. To schedule an appointment, call 480-882-4545.

For more information about creating a family media plan, visit https://www.healthychildren.org/English/fmp/Pages/MediaPlan.aspx.