5 Tips to Eat Healthy During Summer

With summer in full swing and your kiddos out of school, you may notice that your family’s mealtime routine is a bit more relaxed. It’s easy to indulge in beverages and foods which increase your empty caloric intake which can put on extra weight. And as we age, those pounds are much harder to get rid of.

Make healthy eating year-round; exercise helps burn those extra calories, but what about the lack of vitamins and minerals you may be missing out on? The best way to maintain a healthy diet is to develop and keep a mealtime routine and offer a variety of nutritious foods for your family year-round.

Try following these tips:

  1. Buy a variety of foods. When you go grocery shopping, start in the fruits and vegetables area. Then head over to the dairy and meats section. This allows you to focus on macronutrients that your body needs (carbohydrates, proteins, and fat). These nutrients give your body the energy it needs to maintain a balanced diet. By filling your cart with these foods first, you are less likely to have room for processed items that include high sugar, sodium, and carbs your body doesn’t need.
  2. Meal prep. It’s not just for the work week. Making good nutrition choices is easy if you prep right after you go grocery shopping. Designate a shelf or drawer in your refrigerator that includes cut-up fruits and vegetables, portioned out. In your pantry place the healthier items such as dry roasted edamame or chickpeas, low-sugar breakfast bars and nut/fruit trail mix, and popcorn in the front so these are the first items to grab. These snacks can be portioned out ahead of time making it much easier for your family to choose when they are hungry.
  3. Be mindful. Eating together whenever possible is a great way to catch up with your family and allows you to enjoy your food. Fill your plate with lean protein, vegetables, and grains. Fresh fruits make a great dessert option and help clean your palate. Most importantly, take the time to chew properly and taste the goodness.
  4. Smart drinks. This, especially during the summer months when it’s hot, can be tricky. Instead of grabbing a sugar-filled beverage, have ready-to-go containers filled in the fridge with water, low-fat or fat-free milk, or milk alternatives in the front that are easy to grab and go. This will help everyone avoid those empty calories.
  5. Get everyone involved. Going to the grocery store with your whole family can be an adventure that’s for sure, but it can also be an opportunity to educate your kiddos on what to buy and how to read labels. Teaching them the importance of a healthy diet at a young age will make them more likely to stick with it into their teens and beyond. It also allows them to learn how to make healthy food purchases.

But don’t stop here, meal prepping is way more fun as a family activity and it speeds up the process, making it feel less like a chore and more like a family bonding experience. Kids can peel fruits and vegetables, measure and scoop and assemble bags.

Eating healthily may reduce any sluggish feelings you may experience from processed carbs, high-saturated fats, and high-sugar drinks. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the benefits of healthy eating may boost immunity, strengthen bones, and reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases. For more information on nutritional eating benefits, visit https://www.cdc.gov/nutrition/resources-publications/benefits-of-healthy-eating.html.

Summer Fun – Pool Safety Tips

By Amit Jain, MD FAAP MBA | Pediatrician

Swimming is a great way to beat the summer heat here in Arizona and is a fun activity for children to pass the summer by. Drowning is the third most common cause of unintentional – injury related deaths. Among children aged 1-4, drowning stands as the leading cause of unintentional deaths, placing them at the greatest risk. As such, we here at NOAH wanted to share some important water safety tips!

  • Never leave children alone, even for a moment, in or near pool areas or other bodies of water (lakes, beaches, and even bathtubs or buckets of water)!
  • Install a fence at least 4 feet tall around the pool, which should ideally surround the pool on all 4 sides and completely separated the pool from your home and yard. It should not have any gaps that a small child could slip over, under, or through. The gate should be a self-closing and self-latching gate that cannot be opened / reached by a small child.
  • Newer technology offers alarms, both for the gate and within the pool, that can alert you to anyone around the pool.
  • When any inexperienced swimmer is around the pool area, make sure there is a designated adult for supervision. This adult should not be under the influence, should not have any distractions (cell phone turned off or handed off to another adult), and preferably knows how to swim and perform CPR.
  • Keep rescue equipment such as a shepherd’s hook and a life preserver to reach / throw for rescues.
  • Avoid inflatable swim aids such as floaties, as they are not a substitution for proper life-preserving equipment such as life jackets.
  • Consider swim lessons for your child if over the age of 1, as it may reduce the risk of drowning. Talk to your NOAH Pediatrician about your child’s developmental readiness to take swim lessons.
  • Talk to your pool operator to make sure your pool / spa and its drains are compliant with the pool and spa safety act.

At NOAH, we want to make sure that you have the proper tools, education and resources to protect you and your family while swimming. Most importantly, we hope you have a safe and fun-filled summer!

Who Should get Tested for HIV?

The only way for someone to know if they are infected with HIV is to get tested. The CDC recommends everyone age 13 to 64 get tested for HIV at least once in their lifetime as part of routine health care. People who participate in high-risk activities should get tested more often.

High-risk activities include:

  • Men having sex with men
  • Having sex with a partner who is HIV positive without using a condom or taking Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP)
  • Multiple sexual partners in the last year
  • Having sex with someone who participates in the high-risk activities above or, you don’t know their sexual history
  • Exchanging sex for drugs or money
  • Sharing needles, syringes, or other drug injection equipment

Other risk factors that require testing more often:

  • Previously diagnosed with, or treated for, another sexually transmitted infection, hepatitis, or tuberculosis

It’s recommended that high-risk individuals get tested once a year. Intravenous drug users should get tested every six months. Women who are pregnant and haven’t been tested previously should also talk with their healthcare provider about getting tested for HIV. Infected pregnant women can reduce the risk of passing the virus on to their child to as little as 1% with proper treatment.

How do you test for HIV?

NOAH offers HIV testing as part of routine blood work as well as rapid testing which only requires a simple finger poke and produces results in as little as 30 minutes.

How much does it cost?

HIV testing at NOAH is free but does require an appointment with a medical provider. As preventative care, this appointment is typically covered in full by most insurance carriers.

Maricopa County is an HIV Hot Spot

A federal program launched in 2020 “Ending the HIV Epidemic” identified 50 jurisdictions and seven states accounting for more than half of all new HIV diagnoses in the United States. Maricopa County is on the list of HIV “Hot Spots” with new infection rates per 100K people ranking higher than the state and national average. Allocating additional government funds to geographical areas like Maricopa County improves access to HIV testing, treatment and prevention with the goal to reduce new infections by 75% in five years (2025) and by 90% in ten years (2030).

Now more than ever, people living with HIV can lead long healthy lives with proper treatment. The earlier the virus is detected, the sooner treatment can begin. For more details on HIV treatment and prevention, check out our blog post “What if You Test Positive for HIV?” or schedule an appointment with your NOAH provider.

What Should I Expect When I go in For an HIV Test?

By Andrea Leuser, BSN RN ACRN | Partners in Prevention (PIP) HIV Nurse Navigator

Taking the test is taking care of you. Your HIV testing experience might be a little different depending on where you get tested. Regardless, the decision to prioritize your health through taking proactive steps is a significant milestone that should be acknowledged and celebrated.

Who Should Get Tested for HIV?

The CDC recommends that everyone between the ages of 13 and 64 should get tested for HIV at least once as part of routine health care. People should get tested more often when they have had more than one sex partner or are having sex with someone whose sexual history they don’t know.

HIV Testing at a NOAH Healthcare Facility

A medical provider visit is required to get your HIV test at a NOAH healthcare facility. Your test can be part of your routine labs, or a point of care rapid test done by a fingerstick. Depending on the test you may be able to wait for results, but result times can vary.

Your health care provider or counselor may talk with you about your risk factors, answer any questions you might have, and discuss next steps with you.

Remember, there is no concept of a “wrong” outcome for an HIV test. Your value as an individual is not dependent on the result of the test.

How Much Will an HIV Test Cost?

As required by the Affordable Care Act, HIV screenings are covered by most health insurance and Medicaid programs.

Can an HIV Test Detect the Virus Immediately After Exposure?

No HIV test can detect HIV immediately after exposure. Discuss your risks with your healthcare provider and timing for getting your HIV test. Please note If you think you’ve been exposed to HIV in the last 72 hours, talk to your health care provider about post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP), right away.

Now more than ever, people living with HIV can lead long healthy lives with proper treatment. For more details on HIV treatment and prevention, schedule an appointment with your NOAH provider today.

Hypertension Awareness Month

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a leading cause and controllable risk factor for stroke and heart disease. The good news – hypertension is controllable, and with proper management, you can lower your risks.

What is high blood pressure (hypertension)?

High blood pressure, or hypertension, is when your blood pressure, the force of your blood pushing against the walls of your blood vessels, is consistently too high. The higher your blood pressure levels, the more risk you have for other health problems, such as heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

What is the cause of high blood pressure?

High blood pressure is caused by a variety of circumstances, and usually develops over time. High blood pressure can happen because of unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as not getting enough regular physical activity. Age, family history, genetics, race, ethnicity, and sex are all risk factors that cannot be changed.

What are the signs and symptoms of high blood pressure?

Most often, high blood pressure has no symptoms or warning indications, and many people are unaware they have it. The only method to determine whether you have high blood pressure is to measure it.

What do blood pressure numbers mean?

Blood pressure is measured using two numbers:

The first number, called systolic blood pressure, measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart beats. Typically, more attention is given to systolic blood pressure (the first number) as a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease for people over 50.

The second number, called diastolic blood pressure, measures the pressure in your arteries when your heart rests between beats.

According to the CDC, a normal blood pressure level is less than 120/80 mmHg. Knowing your blood pressure numbers is the first step to maintaining the health of your heart.

Source: American Heart Association

What can I do to prevent or manage high blood pressure?

Making lifestyle modifications can help many people with high blood pressure bring their levels into a healthy range or maintain them there.

  • Get at least 150 minutes of physical activity each week (about 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week)
  • Don’t smoke
  • Eat a healthy diet, including limiting sodium (salt) and alcohol
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Manage stress

Schedule an appointment with your NOAH care team right away if you think you have high blood pressure or if you’ve been told you have high blood pressure but do not have it under control.

What to Know About Depression in Women and How to Get Help

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, but that’s not all, it’s also the month that we celebrate Mother’s Day. Women of the world that care for children get one day to celebrate their efforts in raising the next generation but in all honesty, women deserve so much more. To care for others, you must care for yourself. The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) notes that depression is more common among women than men. This may be due to biological and hormonal factors that are different in women.

Sadness is a normal reaction when life gets tough. Usually, these feelings go away. Depression, however, is real and considered a medical condition. So, what are the symptoms?

What to look for?

  • Persistent sadness.
  • Anxiety that won’t go away.
  • Feelings of worthlessness, helplessness, and hopelessness.
  • Appetite changes such as weight loss/weight gain.
  • Fatigue.
  • Thoughts of suicide or suicide attempts.
  • Difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making sound decisions.
  • Physical symptoms such as headaches, chronic aches/pain, or digestive issues.

This Mother’s Day is a perfect time to highlight the importance of proper mental health in women. Let’s start by getting help. There are a few ways to ease the symptoms of depression on your own. Changing your lifestyle can have a positive impact on your mood. This isn’t easy and quite frankly, it’s not something that can be done for two or three weeks until you feel better and then go back to old habits. So how can you change your lifestyle for good?

Tips to Aid in Depression Treatment at Home

  • Exercise – this may improve your mood and reduce aches/pain.
  • Sleep – go to bed and get up at the same time each day.
  • Diet – cut out junk like sugar, fat, and processed foods and focus on the basics like whole grains, lean meats/fish, and fruits and vegetables.
  • Sunlight – spend some time outdoors.
  • Time Out – yes that’s right! This is not just for kiddos; adults need time away from everything too. Even as little as 15 minutes per day can be helpful. Use this time to mindfully breathe, meditate, or stretch.

How to Get Help

These are just a few tips to help combat depression in women. If you or someone you know needs immediate help, call/text the National Suicide & Crisis hotline at 988. Treatment for mental illness starts with your primary care provider. Our Behavioral Health Counselors are available to talk in-person or via video call. The first step is to schedule an appointment to discuss your concerns and ask for help. Let’s celebrate Mother’s Day all year long by creating a healthy lifestyle and sticking to it each day. Don’t let depression get you down, ask for help!

Let’s Talk About Potatoes

By Taylor Hoeg, MS, RDN | Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

Potatoes are the star ingredient in a wide variety of dishes. Just some of the dishes utilizing potatoes include hashbrowns, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, potato salad, potato pancakes, potato wedges, and gnocchi. Dishes containing potatoes are served during celebrations, family gatherings and holidays. If you are anything like me, potatoes can bring a sense of nostalgia. When I think about potatoes, I think about warm summer nights, waiting out by the grill for the baked potatoes to be done. I think about various thanksgivings, and the debate my family always had about mashed potatoes vs. whipped potatoes.  I think about my high school graduation party, and the happiness I felt eating my mom’s blue cheese potato salad. For many others and me, potatoes bring a sense of joy and are connected to memories. But as a dietitian, I have seen firsthand how potatoes, like many other foods, are misjudged. If potatoes are such a common food, why are they often misunderstood? To answer this question, we first must understand, what is a potato?

What is a Potato?

I am often asked, what is a potato? Is it a vegetable? Is it a carb or carbohydrate? Well, the short answer is both!

A vegetable is defined as “a usually herbaceous plant (such as the cabbage, bean, or potato) grown for an edible part that is usually eaten as part of a meal”.

A carb or carbohydrate is defined as “a type of macronutrient found in many foods and beverages. Most carbs occur naturally in plant-based foods, such as grains”.

Potatoes fit into both categories. Potatoes are considered a tubers root vegetable, which means a potato is the thick root of the solanum tuberosum or potato plant. The tuber is used by the potato plant to store carbohydrates and nutrients. This is why the potato is high in carbohydrates and various other micronutrients.

What is in a Potato?

Potatoes have both soluble and insoluble fiber. Soluble fiber has been linked to lowering blood cholesterol and blood glucose. Insoluble fiber is bulky and moves through the digestive system, helping to maintain regular bowel movements and prevent constipation.

Potatoes are high in Vitamin C. This is a water-soluble vitamin with a variety of health benefits. Vitamin C is an antioxidant and plays an important role in preventing certain cancers, cardiovascular disease and decrease inflammation. Also, Vitamin C plays an important role in the immune system, wound healing, and the absorption of dietary iron. Potatoes are also high in potassium. This is a mineral that is needed for nearly every bodily function. Just to name a few, potassium is necessary for kidney, heart, muscle, and nerve function.

Are Potatoes Unhealthy?

For most individuals, potatoes can be part of a healthy and balanced diet. As stated previously, potatoes contain a variety of nutrients linked to health benefits.

BUT, potatoes are often linked to the sources of saturated fat they are prepared in or topped with. Potatoes are often fried to create chips or fries, cooked with butter, or topped with cheese, butter, sour cream, and bacon. While fat is a healthy part of the diet, high amounts of saturated fat can be linked to elevated cholesterol and increase the risk of heart disease. That being said, potatoes themselves are not unhealthy. So, get creative! Look for a variety of cooking methods and toppings for your potatoes.

Where Can Potatoes be Found?

For those of us living in Arizona, red skin potatoes and russet potatoes are in season from April to July. Keep an eye out for these potatoes at your local farmer’s market!

Otherwise, a variety of potatoes can be found in most grocery stores. Potatoes are grown in nearly every state in the United States. So, they are not in short supply.

Potato Recipe Ideas

Oven Roasted Potatoes and Vegetables

These potatoes can be enjoyed at breakfast, lunch and dinner! They are also delicious as leftovers.

6 servings

Time: 1 hour, 10 minutes


  • 4-6 medium russet potatoes, diced (about ½”)
  • 1 medium zucchini, diced (about ½”)
  • 1 large red bell peppers, diced (about ½”)
  • 1 large yellow, diced (about ½”)
  • ½ large red onion, diced (about ½”)
  • 2 cloves of garlic, minced
  • 3 Tbsp of olive oil
  • 1/2 tsp onion powder
  • 1/2 tsp chili powder
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. Combine produce (potatoes, bell peppers, zucchini, onion, garlic) in a large bowl, with olive oil and seasoning, and combine.
  3. Place produce on baking sheet.
  4. Place baking sheet in oven for 45-60 minutes (or until produce is tender), stirring after 30 minutes.
  5. Enjoy!

Blue Cheese Potato Salad

12 Servings

Time: 45 minutes


Potato Salad

  • 3 lbs. red skin potatoes, diced (about ½”)
  • 4 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced
  • 3/4 large white onion, diced
  • 1 tbsp balsamic vinegar

Blue Cheese Dressing

  • 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt
  • 1/4 cup mayonnaise (can use low fat)
  • 5 oz blue cheese
  • 2 tbsp sour cream
  • 1 ½ tbsp horseradish
  • Pepper to taste


  1. Preheat oven to 450 degrees F.
  2. In large bowl, combine potatoes, 3 tbsp olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper.
  3. Arrange potatoes in single layer on baking sheet, and place in oven for 35 minutes, or until potatoes are tender.
  4. Meanwhile, in large skillet place 1 tbsp olive oil, and onions on low-medium heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. After 30 minutes add balsamic vinegar. Continue cooking for 1-2 minutes, or until vinegar evaporates.
  5. Dressing: In small bowl, combine Greek yogurt, mayonnaise, blue cheese, sour cream, horseradish, and pepper.
  6. Lastly, combine potatoes, onions, and dressing.
  7. Enjoy!

Have questions about your diet? Schedule an appointment with a NOAH Registered Dietitian today to help kick-start your health journey.

Traditional / Heritage Diets

By Jason Pawloski, RDN | Registered Dietitian

There is no one single diet or style of eating that works for all! For many, one important thing to consider when eating healthfully is honoring some of the traditions of your upbringing or family history.

This may mean preparing common meals that your family and ancestors used to eat. For others, this might mean finding new and creative ways to implement some of the food staples into your current meal choices in a new way, even by just one ingredient at a time.

Rather than focus too much on the difference between traditional diets, let’s focus more the similarities found in many of these different dietary models.

One of the leading groups that illustrates and helps us appreciate this topic is the non-profit Oldways Cultural Food Traditions.

Implementing traditional diets can be a great way to make healthful changes when one is trying to improve their health. Whether you’re interested in addressing current health concerns or trying to prevent health problems from occurring later, traditional diets can be a great model to follow.

Common Features of Different Traditional/Heritage Diets

  • Focus more on plant-based foods (fruits, vegetables, grains, etc.) and including a variety of different food groups (lean proteins, including fish and seafood, and legumes)
  • Different spices and herbs
  • Different types of rice and beans
  • Locally sourced, minimally/non-processed foods

Traditional/Heritage Diets – Common Food Staples

  • African Heritage diet – leafy greens, root vegetables, sweet potatoes, whole grains
  • Asian Heritage diet – fish/seafood, soy foods, nuts/peanuts, vegetables
  • Latin American diet – beans, corn, chili peppers
  • Mediterranean diet – commonly eaten in nations that border the Mediterranean Sea
  • Native American – beans, corn, squash, potatoes, tomatoes, chili peppers, cacao
  • The Nordic diet – fish, whole-grain cereals, fruits/berries, legumes (beans and peas)

Have questions about your diet? Schedule an appointment with a NOAH Registered Dietitian today to help kick-start your health journey.

5-Minute Lunch Ideas – Nutritious and Easy

By Alexander Clabourne, RDN | Registered Dietitian

Have you ever struggled to find something healthy for lunch while at work or didn’t have enough time to meal prep? Look no further with these simple lunches that can be made in five minutes or less! Eating healthy does not need to be a complex task. It’s quite simple to incorporate nutrient dense foods in your meals in a time friendly manner. Eating healthy does not always have to include choosing fresh fruits and vegetables and making foods from scratch all the time. Frozen, canned, and dried foods are convenient and still provide the essential nutrients our bodies need. Check out these quick lunch ideas!  

Bento Lunch Box

  • Tuna or chicken salad: Combine one 2.5 ounce can or packet of choice with 1 tbsp of mayonnaise and spices of choice. I like to use paprika, black pepper, and dried dill. If you don’t like either of these try 1 cup of Greek yogurt, soy yogurt, or low-fat cottage cheese instead. 
  • Nuts or seeds: ¼ cup or a small handful of choice. Some good options are cashews, peanuts, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, sunflower seeds, or pumpkin seeds.
  • Fruit: ¼ cup dried fruit or ½ cup of canned fruit. Choose any that you like! If choosing canned or cupped fruit, try choosing varieties packed in juice and not in syrup.
  • Vegetables: 1 cup any variety. Quick options include baby carrots, sugar snap peas, baby bell peppers, and celery sticks.
  • Whole grain/whole wheat crackers: 4-6 crackers.

Asian Chicken Salad Bowl

  • Brown rice or wild rice: 1 cup of instant rice, ready in 60-90 seconds in the microwave.
  • Chicken: 3 ounces of ready to eat shredded or canned chicken. For vegan or vegetarians use 3 ounces of tofu or ½ cup of canned beans (any kind). For extra plant protein add a handful of edamame.
  • Salad kit: 1 cup from an Asian salad kit.
  • Dressing: 2 tablespoons of roasted sesame or sesame ginger dressing.

Lunch Wrap

  • Protein: 3 ounces of ready to eat shredded chicken or pork or 3-4 slices of reduced sodium ham or turkey. For vegans and vegetarians try seitan.
  • Vegetable: 1 cup from a bag of coleslaw mix.
  • Whole grain/whole wheat wrap: 1 pita, wrap, or tortilla.
  • Condiments: 1 tablespoon of low-fat mayonnaise or mustard.

Protein Grain Bowl

  • Protein: One 2.5 ounce can or package of chicken or tuna.
  • Grain: 1 bag of instant rice and lentil mix ready in 60-90 seconds or your favorite choice of grain blend.
  • Vegetable: ½ bag of microwavable frozen vegetables. Any kind is good! Try finding varieties without added sauces or cheeses.
  • Condiment: 2 tablespoons of chipotle or garlic aioli.

For further nutrition education and questions, schedule an appointment with a NOAH Registered Dietitian today!

Weeding Through Nutrition Information

By Annie Dodt, RDN | Registered Dietitian

Let’s face it, in the age of technology, there’s endless nutrition information available, making it difficult to be an informed consumer and knowing who and what to trust. Nutrition can be confusing to navigate and conflicting information from health influencers without expertise doesn’t make it any easier. Here are a few tips to help weed through what information is worth considering.

Who is the Information Coming From?

Who is the information coming from and what are their motivations? Are they requiring you to buy their specific expensive supplement or cleanse? Do they have credentials or specific training in the field that supports the information they provide? A dietitian requires a master’s degree, a supervised practice internship in the field of study, and credentialing through a national registrar. In 48 states, dietitians are also required to be licensed (Arizona and Michigan are the exceptions). A nutritionist does not require any of this.

Is There Scientific Evidence Backing the Claims They are Making?

Yes, while it is true science and nutrition are constantly changing as we learn and collect more data, making sure the information is coming from a reputable source is important for insuring its legitimacy. Ideally, the most trustworthy information should be backed by double-blind peer reviewed studies. These specific studies work to eliminate bias, so results are not influenced, and are critically evaluated and assessed by experts in the field to make sure the information is accurate.

Tailored Nutrition

Nutrition isn’t one size fits all. What works for one person may not work for you. Avoid nutrition information that offers blanket statements.

Cutting Out Entire Food Groups or Restrictive Eating Patterns

All foods fit. Be cautious of nutrition information that eliminates entire food groups or requires you to be overly restrictive with your intake. The exceptions to this are certain medical conditions or food allergies/intolerances.

Complex Arguments

Be wary of information that uses terms like “always” or “never.” As we know, science and nutrition are constantly evolving. There is room for change and exceptions.

For more help navigating the nutrition world, please visit with one of our knowledgeable friendly dietitians at NOAH! Whether it’s management of a chronic condition, coming up with snack ideas, or simply wanting to improve your eating habits, a dietitian is an expert in nutrition who can help create a personalized plan for you to help achieve your health goals.