Melisa Thesing


Ages 6+

Primary Specialties

Anxiety, Depression, Substance Use Disorder

Primary Location

Languages Spoken


Getting to know your provider

  • Why did you choose your profession?

    I chose to be a counselor because I love to plant seeds and give advice. Most people think they will get advice from a counselor. Instead, they get seeds planted in their brains (not literally). These seeds start to sprout and grow as time moves on. If I am lucky, I will get to witness this with one of my clients. That is why I chose this profession: for moments like that. Sounds corny, I know, but wait until it happens to you. Then you will get it.

  • Why do you work at NOAH?

    I like what NOAH stands for. The values and services that they offer to the community and how they do not see patients as just another number. There is a personal connection with every patient, and they take good care of their employees as well.

  • What are your passions outside of your profession?

    My dog, my family, and any Stephen King book I can get a hold of.

  • What would you do if you won the lottery?

    Pay off my student loans, pay off my sibling’s mortgages, buy a new house and if I had money leftover take a very long vacation touring many countries.