NOAH Receives $30,000 to Provide Oral Health Services

Delta Dental of Arizona partners with NOAH to reach low income communities

Statistics show tooth decay in children and adolescents is twice as high for often overlooked families than those from higher incomes due to lack of education about the importance of oral hygiene. Neighborhood Outreach Access to Health (NOAH) received a $30,000 grant from Delta Dental of Arizona to deliver oral health education and screening to uninsured and under-insured children at back-to-school events, community health fairs, and other school activities in low income areas. Read more

Stroke Awareness – Take care of your body

A stroke can happen to anyone, anywhere and at any age. Every four minutes someone dies from a stroke. Help NOAH raise awareness during #NationalStrokeAwarenessMonth by reading these tips and sharing them with your friends and family.

Lifestyle risk factors such as diet and exercise are controllable. People choose to engage in habits or behaviors that can directly increase their probability of having a stroke. Eating healthy includes making informed decisions about food choices and balancing your calories. Read more

School is Out…Now What?

The last day of school is just around the corner, and as a parent, you need to be prepared. During the academic year, kids are active in sports, music, and other school activities. With summer here, many children find themselves bored, spending their days playing video games or watching television from morning until you get home from work.

We understand the importance of mental health and have equipped you with six ways to keep your kids mentally healthy over the summer.

  1. Maintain routine or structure: While summer may be more relaxed, maintaining some structure is helpful. Consistent bedtimes and wake-up times, along with regular meal schedules similar to the school year, can provide needed stability.
  2. Be active: Whether signing your children up for swim team, joining a local community center for classes, or attending summer day camps, keeping your children active is crucial. Physical activity not only benefits their mental health but also helps them continue to develop social skills and get exercise.
  3. Communicate: Ask how your child’s day went. If you get one-word responses, try framing your questions differently to encourage them to open up. For example, ask, “What did you learn today?” or “What was your favorite part of the day?”
  4. Watch for avoidance or anxiety: Children struggling with mental health may avoid or disengage from activities they used to love. Take notice if you see a decrease in physical activity, a lack of desire to hang out with friends or family, or a loss of interest in once-loved activities. You may also see an increase in solitary and sedentary activities, such as:
  • Sleeping more frequently
  • Playing video games often
  • Watching television all day
  • Loss of interest in food or not eating as often

Look for patterns: Monitoring your child’s daily activity is a great way to spot behavior changes. Maybe you allow your children to sleep in a bit longer during the summer, as long as it doesn’t interfere with activities or engaging with friends and hobbies. However, if you begin to notice the following patterns, there may be more cause for concern:

  • Avoids talking to friends or family
  • Appears down or irritable much of the time
  • Sleeps most of the day with little interest in activity
  • Loss of interest in food, especially favorite meals

Recognize the signs: A child’s mental health may be displayed in various ways, including:

  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Negative comments about self
  • Excessive worry
  • Loss of interest
  • Hopelessness

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your child may need additional support with internal issues they face. If you observe similar signs of distress and a change in behavior, consider scheduling an appointment with a behavioral health specialist.

10 Tips to Get Your Child to Sleep

By Tiffany Jewell

Routine routine routine. Keep this in the back of your mind as you read through our tips below. Trust me, coming from a mom of twins, this has saved my sanity. Read more