Employee Health and Job Burnout

Work can be a source of pride and excitement, a social network for meeting new people and engaging in like-minded conversations with colleagues. When an employees’ workload is maxed out, it can cause mental health challenges and if employees do not balance work and life effectively, they may become disengaged and less productive. Let’s talk about the importance of employee health and how little or no health maintenance in the workplace can cause job burnout.

What is Burnout?

Job burnout is a type of work-related stress causing physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and a loss of personal identity. Some experts believe the term “burnout” could be caused by depression, however researchers suggest that personality traits and family life may also influence who develops job burnout. According to an Indeed.com study, 52% of people report feelings of burnout from work. Expecting to power through like nothing else is going on isn’t realistic. Did you know that nearly half of working adults were already feeling burned out before the COVID-19 pandemic began? Whatever the cause, job burnout can affect your physical and mental health. Being able to identify the symptoms is the key and then, seek help.


  • Finding it difficult to concentrate.
  • Lack of energy and productivity.
  • Being critical or cynical at work.
  • Change in sleep habits.
  • Loss of satisfaction from work accomplishments.
  • Being impatient with coworkers, customers, or patients.
  • Using drugs or alcohol to feel better.
  • Unexplained headaches.
  • Stomach or bowel problems.


Employee burnout is always around. It can come and go. But what everyone experienced during 2020 with the COVID-19 pandemic shifted employee stress and burnout to a whole new level.

There isn’t one sole reason burnout may occur – various other factors can contribute and increase the level in which you may experience burnout such as:

  • Work-life imbalance. If your job takes up too much of your time and effort and you don’t have energy to spend with your family and friends, you might burn out quickly.
  • Lack of control. If you are not part of the team and your voice and ideas are not heard, this affects your ability to participate and therefore you may reduce your productivity. Being micromanaged in areas related to your schedule, assignments or workload — could lead to job burnout. So could a lack of necessary resources you need to do your work. If you do not have adequate tools to effectively complete daily tasks, you are less likely to engage and may experience work-related stress.
  • Unclear job expectations. If you’re unclear about your role and job duties or what your supervisor or others expect from you, you’re not likely to feel comfortable at work. This can affect your overall job performance.
  • Dysfunctional workplace dynamics. If your boss micromanages you or you feel intimidated by leadership, this can contribute to job stress. Being undermined can also affect the way in which you work, possibly leaving you confused or less confident in completing daily tasks, unsure of whether you are doing your job ‘right’ or not.
  • Extremes of activity. Monotony in the workplace where you just plug away at your desk doing the same thing over and over can lead to fatigue in the workplace. Over time, this can create job burnout and in some cases, depression. If your environment is chaotic and ever-changing where you need a constant burst of energy just to remain focused — it can lead to fatigue and job burnout.
  • Lack of social support. If you find yourself feeling isolated at work or in your personal life, you might feel more stressed. After a period of time, this could impact your productivity and lead to burnout.

Additional risk-factors such as working long hours, experiencing a consistent heavy workload with little control or ability to ask for help can not only cause job burnout, but it can affect job performance and decrease productivity. Unaddressed job burnout can cause:

  1. Fatigue, sadness, or anger.
  2. Excessive stress which can lead to health-related issues such as: vulnerability to illness like heart disease, type 2 diabetes and depression.
  3. Alcohol or substance misuse.

How to take action

The first step is to evaluate your situation and make a list of what it is that needs to be changed in order to decrease job burnout. Schedule some time with your supervisor. Review your list and work together to change expectations or reach compromises that clarify your role and priorities so that you are successful and confident in your position. Next, seek support from co-workers, friends, or loved ones. Sometimes talking about your work environment helps to flush out areas of concern that you may not even know existed but that were causing work-related stress and burnout. Lastly, focus on you, outside of the workplace by trying some of the following tips to help reduce stress:

  1. Exercise. Try signing up for a yoga or tai chi class. The goal is to increase your level of movement by spending at least 30 minutes per day taking part in some sort of physical activity that allows your mind and body to focus on your well-being.
  2. Mindfulness. Focus on your breath flow and be aware of what you’re sensing and feeling without interpretation or judgment. At work you may try to face situations with openness and patience, and try not to judge.
  3. Sleep. Develop a routine where you are getting up and going to bed as close to the same times each day. Create a space that is inviting in your bedroom so that when it is time to sleep, your body and mind can easily relax. Try not to use electronic devices before bed, instead read a calming and mindful book or spend a few minutes stretching and practice deep breathing.
  4. Diet. According to the Sleep Foundation, most experts recommend eating two to four hours before bedtime. The body takes quite a bit of time to properly digest a meal. People who eat well ahead of bedtime have a better chance of digesting their food which can reduce their risk of poor sleep. Foods to avoid before sleep include:
    • Spicy foods 
    • Foods high in fat
    • Acidic foods
    • Caffeinated beverages
    • Alcohol 

If you are currently struggling in the workplace and believe you are experiencing job burnout, talk to a doctor or a mental health provider about your options.

Stepping up to 4,000: The Path to a Healthier You!

For decades the phrase of “10,000 steps a day” has echoed through the world of fitness and health. It has been the gold standard, a universal goal for those seeking a healthier lifestyle. But what if we told you that you can achieve significant health benefits with just 4,000 steps a day? Recent research suggests that you don’t need to aim for the sky-high 10,000 steps to reap the rewards of walking.


The idea of walking 10,000 steps daily was originally created as part of a clever marketing campaign ahead of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics. A pedometer, known as the “manpo-kei” or the “10,000 steps meter,” was introduced to the public. Its name was based on the Japanese character for 10,000, which resembles a person walking. Over time, this concept expanded across borders and became the standard fitness goal for many around the world. 

Japanese character for 10,000, which resembles a person walking.

However, a new study published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology challenges the long-held idea that 10,000 steps are necessary to live a healthy life.

The study explored the health benefits of walking up to 20,000 steps a day. Surprisingly, the study found that around 4,000 steps per day were associated with a “significant” reduction in the risk of early death. However, the most significant impact on health occurred when people walked over 7,000 steps a day, with the maximum benefits observed at around 20,000 steps.

So, if the idea of achieving 10,000 steps a day feels overwhelming, rest assured that you can make a difference in your health with just 4,000 steps. Remember, the most important aspect is not hitting a specific number, but trying to stay active. Walking is a simple, yet powerful way to invest in your health, and the evidence suggests that every step counts towards a longer and healthier life. 

Take the first step towards a healthier you and schedule an appointment with your NOAH provider today. 

National Youth Suicide Prevention Week

Did you know suicide is the second leading cause of death for individuals ages 10-24? Youth suicide statistics cannot be ignored as they have greatly increased over the last decade. Ten teenagers out of 100,000 decide to commit suicide. Females attempt suicide at a rate of nearly 3-times that of males. However, males die by suicide at a rate of nearly 3-times that of females. Suicide prevention is a critical health topic for young people in the U.S.

Who is at high risk for suicide?

Adverse Childhood Experiences (also known as ACES) can include neglect, abuse, experiencing violence, substance abuse, divorce, incarceration of a family member, or poverty. Experiencing ACES has been shown to negatively affect physical and mental health over time and can occur across generations. This is particularly troublesome for youth who have had limited access to healthcare. Youth who have one or more ACES are at higher risk for suicide. Native Americans and Alaskan Indians have the highest rates of suicide by ethnic group.

What are the warning signs?

It is not always possible to recognize the warning signs in those thinking about suicide. Some common signs to watch for include: 

  • Talking or writing about death
  • Expressing hopelessness about the future
  • Withdrawing from family or friends
  • Increased drug/alcohol use
  • Giving away personal possessions
  • Engaging in self-harming behaviors
  • Participating in dangerous activities
  • Significant change in mood or behavior

How to support someone who is experiencing suicidal thoughts:

  1. Talk with them about their suicidal thoughts as it can help them process their emotions. 
  2. Try to acknowledge their feelings, fears, sadness, or pain.
  3. Provide reassurance but do not dismiss the problem. You may ask if they are thinking about hurting themselves or taking their own life, and if they have a plan.
  4. Be sure the person does not have access to any lethal weapons or medications and immediately inform adults or caregivers. 
  5. Try to avoid panicking or offering too much advice. 
  6. Provide contact information for the crisis line(s) and assist them to call if necessary. 

Professionals like the counselors or psychiatrists at NOAH are great resources for ongoing support and safety planning.

If you or someone you know is experiencing a crisis, reach out to one of the following resources for help:

  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call, text, or chat: 988
  • Crisis Text Line: text HOME to 741741
  • Maricopa County Crisis Line: 800-631-1314
  • Teen Life Line: Call or text 602-248-TEEN (8336)

Should I Enroll in Counseling?

Whether it’s on television, in the movies, or on social media, only ‘certain people’ are seen meeting with a mental health professional. This has led many to think that you have to experience some kind of crisis, be on the edge of a breakdown, or feel like “a crazy person,” to get yourself into counseling but that isn’t always the case. Counseling is not just for those extreme cases. In fact, meeting with a counselor regularly can help develop good mental health habits. Reaching out for help does not have to be a last resort. One of the best ways to maintain your mental health is to find a professional provider that specializes in areas you would benefit from. The question of whether or not you should enroll in counseling is a decision based on how you are feeling at the moment. What signs should you pay attention to that might encourage you to make that call and schedule an appointment with a counselor?

Here are five common signs that might help you decide if you should enroll in counseling.

  1. Feeling “not yourself.” We all have times where our mood is “off,” and we turn to things that help us feel better but when we begin to think, “this isn’t like me,” you may need to take a closer look. Sometimes we feel sad, angry or annoyed with things that happen but when it gets to a point where you conclude that this is out of your ordinary, it could be something more than just everyday emotions.
  2. You can’t do the things you like to do. Having hobbies or activities that you love to do can be a great way to balance your mental health, but it is important to look for signs that the way you are feeling is making it difficult or impossible to do them anymore. Again, if it is unlike you and you find it more and more difficult to get out, have fun or be social then you should reach out to get screened or assessed for possible mental health concerns.
  3. Using drugs, alcohol, food or sex to feel better. Just like having hobbies that can help us feel better, sometimes we engage in unhealthy habits to do the same thing and that is never a good idea. If you find yourself using drugs, alcohol, food or sex to feel better, have the desire to cut back, or it is impacting your daily life then beginning counseling could be helpful to make sure you reduce the long term negative effects.
  4. You’ve lost someone or something important to you. Perhaps your family or culture has certain rituals, traditions or expectations when it comes to the death of a loved one. Human beings adapt very well and sometimes your natural support system are all you need to get through loss, but other times, it could be a good idea to reach out for counseling for support with adjusting to the unexpected change. Remember, loss isn’t just about death. It could be a separation or break up, moving, or losing your job.
  5. Something emotionally distressing has happened. This can be any event that you thought was awful, scary or threatening like an accident, injury, sudden death, abuse, violence, and/or a natural disaster. Experiencing events like these are linked to a higher risk of substance use, chronic health problems, and mental health disorders like depression or anxiety. The sooner you reach out for help to get through events like these the better you will be, but remember it is never too late.

If you are experiencing any of these signs, our expert counseling team at NOAH is here to help. The most important thing to remember is that counseling is for anyone. At NOAH we are trying to stop the stigma that counseling is only for severe situations. Talking to a mental health professional regularly is like going to the gym for your mind. Having someone that you trust, that has professional exerience, and is there for you when you need them is a great feeling. Once you go to counseling a few times, you may begin to notice a positive difference in your mood or even a desire to do the things you once used to love to do.

As always, if you, or anyone has thoughts or feelings of wanting to hurt themselves please reach out as quickly as you can. Remember, through reaching out for help you are just taking care of your mental health, and taking care of your mental health is just as essential as taking care of your physical health. Call 480-882-4545 to schedule an appointment with a NOAH provider today.

Call or text 988 if you are in distress. The 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline is available 24/7 and is free to anyone experiencing crisis.

Helpful Tips to Celebrate Healthy Aging Month

Let’s face it, we are all aging. So, how do we age gracefully? How do we mindfully incorporate wellness into our lives so that as we age, we do so healthfully? Well, for starters, let’s kick the month of September off by celebrating Healthy Aging Month. Let’s accept the fact that yes, it’s going to happen, we will age, and we will become the best version of ourselves by incorporating daily habits like exercise, eating foods that are beneficial to our overall health, and getting enough sleep. 

The keywords here are routine, mindfulness, and wellness. The next step is to try some helpful tips that are easy enough to remember and adapt to your current lifestyle.


Daily physical activity is one of the most important things you can do for your overall health, especially as you age. It can prevent and delay various health-related illnesses like diabetes, stroke, or heart disease. The Centers for Disease and Control recommend some exercise is better than none. I recommend focusing on these 4 types of exercise daily: stretching, balance, muscle building with weights, walking and/or running.


As we age, eating healthy foods can improve our overall well-being. Limiting sugar and processed carbohydrates can positively impact the way we feel. The U.S. Department of Agriculture – USDA, notes that proper nutrition may decrease the risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, high blood pressure, and heart disease. As we age, our nutritional needs may change. It is recommended that individuals over the age of 60 follow these guidelines:

  • Limit foods that contain processed sugar, saturated fats, and high levels of sodium.
  • Increase your daily protein totals by choosing foods that come from various sources like legumes, white fish, and chicken. Low-sugar, low-carb protein shakes, and protein waters are also good alternatives to help ensure you are consuming enough protein per day.
  • Consume nutrients your body depends on, including potassium, calcium, vitamin D, and B12. A good multivitamin can be beneficial in addition to eating plenty of fruits and vegetables. Fiber is also very important to consume and can help move food through your digestive tract.
  • Drink water first thing in the morning. There are varying concepts on how much water is needed per day. A good rule of thumb is to take your total weight and divide it in half. That number is the amount of water your body may need per day in order to stay hydrated. Other drink options may include low or fat-free milk, including lactose-free, soy, oat, and almond beverages. Limit or omit entirely beverages that contain sodium and sugars.
  • Eat from all 5 food groups. Learn how much to eat and find out how many calories you need each day to help you maintain energy using the MyPlate Plan.

When it’s time to enjoy a meal or snack, try not to sit on the couch in front of the television. Instead, practice mindfulness. Sit at the table, eat your protein and/or veggies first, then eat your carbohydrates. Chew each bite well and enjoy the flavors and aromas. This will help your body properly digest your food and it will help you stay full longer.


Researchers estimate that between 40-70% of older adults have chronic sleep issues. Chronic sleep problems can significantly interfere with other adults’ daily activities and reduce their quality of life. There are several sleep issues that are especially common in older adults.

  • Pain
  • Nighttime Urination
  • Daytime drowsiness
  • Sleep apnea

By developing proper sleep hygiene habits, we may improve our overall quality of sleep. Start in the bedroom by creating an environment that is comfortable and free of disruptions. Follow a daily routine that consists of:

  • Sticking to a fixed wake-up time and bedtime.
  • If a nap is needed, try to take them earlier in the day limit the time.
  • Follow a nightly routine that helps your body know when it’s time for bed.

It’s easy to get caught up with life and develop less beneficial habits. When that happens, we tend to forget to take care of ourselves. Healthy Aging Month is a gentle reminder that we can’t help others until we help ourselves. The importance of following a healthy lifestyle ensures we age comfortably and confidently. Give these tips a try and mindfully build a new wellness routine that works best for you.

For more wellness and health tips, schedule an appointment with your NOAH provider today.