Stroke Awareness Month
Do you know the signs of a stroke? The sooner someone with a stroke gets help, the better. People who are treated during the first few hours have a better chance of survival and less chance of having permanent varied abilities from the stroke.
Signs of a Stroke
Knowing the signs can save a life. It happens every day. The signs are organized to the memorable acronym F.A.S.T.
F – Face drooping. The face can be drooping on one side or be numb. If you are unsure, ask the person to smile.
A – Arm weakness. Can the person raise both arms? Are they both the same height? Does one arm droop?
S – Speech problems. A speech issue could be the person having slurred speech, trouble talking, or is hard to understand.
T – Time to call! If the person is showing ANY of these symptoms, it is time to call 9-1-1 and get them to the hospital immediately.
These are not the only symptoms of a stroke, but they are the best immediate way to recognize one. Other signs that someone may be suffering from a stroke include numbness especially on one side of the body, confusion or trouble understanding things, vision trouble, dizziness and trouble walking, and a severe headache that comes on suddenly.
Risk Factors
There are things that make you or someone in your life at a higher risk of stroke. These risks include high blood pressure, smoking, diabetes, obesity, low physical activity, high cholesterol, heart disease, and having a previous stroke. Working with your healthcare team to improve some of these areas can reduce your risk of having a stroke.
Other risks are out of your control but knowing them is important to your ongoing medical care and wellness. Some of these factors include sex because women have more strokes than men, age as risk increases with age, race, and family history.
Knowing your risk factors will help you manage your risk so talk to your NOAH provider today if you have any questions or concerns.
Stroke is one of the top causes of death and ability variation in America, so knowing the signs and what to do can save a life. Every minute counts during, so act F.A.S.T.!