Did you know your skin is the largest organ in your body? Your skin protects you, tells you a lot about your overall health, and it grows and changes with you throughout your life. Our skin has a big job to do, which is why keeping skin healthy is so important.
Here are some useful tips to keep your skin healthy at every age.
Pay Attention to Dry Skin
Dry skin can be the result of environmental factors, or it can be because of what is happening inside our bodies. Either way, pay attention to it and hydrate your skin. Drinking a lot of water – 8 glasses – throughout the day, is one of the best things you can do for your skin (and other parts of your body!).
Dry skin can also become a problem if not treated with itching, flaking, even bleeding from dry skin. Many of us in Arizona have to deal with “hard water”, or water heavy in calcium and magnesium. This can make it harder for soap to wash off your skin, so spend a few extra seconds rinsing your hands, face, and body. Moisturize with ointments, creams or lotions after showers, baths, and handwashing, but make sure they don’t contain alcohol which can have the opposite effect.
Baby’s Skin Can Have Different Needs
Babies are a wonder, and so is their skin! Baby acne, birthmarks, diaper rash, hives, eczema, and others are common in babies, but they are things all new parents and caregivers should be familiar with. The American Academy of Dermatology Association has detailed information about these conditions and many more. If you ever have questions about your baby’s skin, talk to your NOAH provider.
Protect Your Skin from the Sun
The great news is that sunscreen is both the easiest and best way to protect your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays. Try for SPF 30 and wear it all year on whatever part of you isn’t protected by clothing – think hands, arms, face. Sun can cause skin aging and increase certain types of skin cancer.
Everyone deals with some types of skin troubles during their life. Whether it is acne, blackheads, rashes, or dry skin, it is helpful to know how to protect your skin and when it’s time to call your provider. If you have any questions, make an appointment with your provider.
https://noahhelps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Sunsreen.jpg626764Katy Reevehttps://noahhelps.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/NOAH_Website_Logo_340.pngKaty Reeve2020-11-30 14:07:052020-11-30 14:07:07How Important is Healthy Skin?
Diabetes can be managed and treated with medicine and changes to what you eat and drink. People living with diabetes need to give their body a little help by being proactive.
For someone diagnosed with diabetes or at risk of developing diabetes, making changes to what and how much food they eat can have a big impact. These tips will help people make good decisions about what to eat and how much to eat.
Tip #1 – Portions Matter
In a lot of ways, portions can be deceiving. Larger portions at restaurants and even larger plates in our own kitchens can mislead people about how big their portions should be. A few decades ago, the average American dinner plate was nine inches, today they average around 12 inches.
When you plan out your meals and snacks, a good way to measure the portions is using your hand or basic measuring cups. Here are some examples:
The palm of your hand is a good measurement for meat, seafood, and poultry.
A cupped hand, about ½ cup, is the right amount of pasta, potatoes, chips, and nuts.
At least one heaping cup, or both hands cupped together, for vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, and more.
For fats like butter or olive oil, use about a tablespoon per meal.
About 1 cup, or a fist, is the amount of milk, fruit, rice, beans, soups, yogurt.
Tip #2 – Swap Your Proteins
Protein is an essential part of a healthy diet. The types of proteins eaten, though, are not all the same in their health benefits. Keep the portions from above – about the size of the palm of your hand – and consider which proteins are best.
Best Proteins
Protein to Limit
Filet mignon
Turkey/lean ground turkey
Pork Sirloin
Rib eye steak
Fish (not breaded or fried)
Pork belly
Tofu or soy
Yogurt (low sugar or plain)
Eggs (max 7 yolks/week)
Corned beef
Low fat (93/7) ground beef
Lean beef cuts – names with “loin” or “round”
Any fired or breaded meat, chicken or fish
Beans and lentils
Tip #3 – Feel Free to Snack
Snacks are good! Don’t deprive yourself of nutritious, energy-boosting snacks, especially when you are living with diabetes. There are plenty of ways to enjoy something mid-day without sacrificing health or flavor.
The important thing about a well-chosen snack is that it can be both filling and nutritional. A few snack-specific tips:
Think of snacks like mini meals when it comes to portions.
Do not snack when bored or while multitasking.
Snacking shouldn’t be an everyday habit.
Only eat snacks when you are hungry.
If a snack is needed to prevent low blood sugars, talk about this with your doctor or provider.
Here are a few good snack options for you to try.
Tip #4 – Not all Drinks are Equal
Don’t let what you drink ruin your day. The best drink is always water. It has no calories, carbohydrates, or sugar, and your body will thank you for drinking plenty of water every day. Sometimes, though, we all want something a little different, with a little more flavor.
Many drinks from restaurants or grocery stores are full of a surprising amount of sugar, calories, and carbohydrates. Some ways to take control:
Bring your own drink. Whether it is water, coffee, or something else, if you bring your own with you, you won’t be buying something that could have high amounts of sugar and calories.
Instead of getting pre-sweetened tea, get unsweetened tea and add your own – much less – sugar, or natural substitutes to sweeten it.
Juice can be loaded with sugar and carbohydrates. Consider eating a piece of fruit instead. If it must be fruit juice, cut the juice with water and strictly limit the amount you drink.
Coffee and tea lattes and similar type drinks taste so good and may appear a safe choice – tea is healthy, right – but how these drinks are made changes whether they are a healthy option. Limit sugar, creamer and syrups added.
Smoothies can be a healthy and efficient way to get loads of fruit, which is an important part of a healthy lifestyle. Don’t rely on store-bought, pre-packaged smoothies to be low in sugar or carbs, though.
Soda, pop, Coke, no matter how you say it, these drinks are loaded with sugar. In fact, a regular soda can have more sugar than two servings of ice cream!
Getting a diabetes diagnosis can be a big transition for the person diagnosed and their family. Working with your doctor, healthcare provider, nutritionist, family, and support system together will make changes easier to stick to and improve your health. For more tips on living with diabetes from NOAH, click here.
https://noahhelps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Mindful-Eating-with-Friends_Jan2020.jpg565848Katy Reevehttps://noahhelps.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/NOAH_Website_Logo_340.pngKaty Reeve2020-11-30 11:59:252020-11-30 11:59:27Healthy Eating Tips for Living with Diabetes
This year we have experienced many changes, from the way we celebrate birthdays and graduations, to elbow-bumps in place of handshakes. One of the more challenging differences of living through a pandemic, though, is going to be the holiday season, starting with celebrating Thanksgiving.
Typically, people travel to see family and friends, visit multiple homes on Thanksgiving and the days around it. Many people enjoy getting out with friends to local bars and restaurants. None of that, however, is safe in 2020 with COVID-19 increasing it’s hold on our communities and our health.
Celebrating Thanksgiving in 2020 may not be what we are all used to, but it can still be full of good food, friendly faces, and happy memories without risking anyone’s health and safety.
Tips for Thanksgiving 2020
Hold a Thanksgiving dinner just for your immediate family in your home.
Enjoy the beautiful Central Arizona weather and visit neighbors outdoors and with some distance between you.
Share your favorite recipes with friends and family, rather than making and bringing food to a big group Thanksgiving.
Delivering meals to isolated friends, family, or others in the community in a safe way.
Virtual Thanksgiving dinner with loved ones near or far.
Remember, that while health is critically important with COVID around, we also need to take care of our mental and emotional well-being. Seeing faces on screens and hearing voices over the phone doesn’t take the place of in-person holiday gatherings, but it is much better than not having that interaction at all. Relationships and seeing people you love – even on a screen that has grandma’s thumb covering it half the time – are so important.
Enjoy and embrace something new when you celebrate Thanksgiving, and remember to call, text, video chat, and safely visit (with masks or at a distance) with people you care about. If you need additional support from a counselor or community resources, reach out to the NOAH team for more information about services to support you and your family so you have a happy, healthy time celebrating Thanksgiving.
https://noahhelps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/HappyHealthyThanksgiving-e1655232514137.jpeg533800Katy Reevehttps://noahhelps.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/NOAH_Website_Logo_340.pngKaty Reeve2020-11-17 10:00:522020-11-17 10:00:55Celebrating Thanksgiving in 2020
As our children grow into independent and curious teenagers, we as parents want to be a guiding light to help our children make smart and informed decisions. Sensitive topics such as intimacy, sexuality, consent, relationships, and substance use may be difficult or seem awkward.
Here are some tips to help facilitate productive and positive conversations:
Create an Open and Safe Space for Communication.
Initiate conversations regularly with your teenager. What is their favorite musical artist? What is their favorite hobby? What does your teenager do for fun with friends? Getting to know your teen makes it easier to talk about anything. Starting this process early often has greater benefits.
Give Them Privacy.
We have all been where we want to keep things to ourselves and have time and space alone. Our teens do too. Make sure to allow your teen enough privacy. You may still invite conversations and allow them space until they are ready to share.
Listen More, Talk Less.
Allow your teen to fully finish what they are saying before you offer insights or responses. Practice active listening by giving your full attention. Teenagers are more likely to be open when they feel heard. Most of the time, teenagers are not seeking for you to “fix” their problem, they just want a trusted adult to listen. Avoid being critical, judgmental, or getting emotional.
Share Your Own Experiences.
Don’t be afraid to share some of your own personal experiences with your teenager. Your teenager may see you as more relatable and understanding.
Be Honest.
Your discussions about sensitive topics may give your teenager the foundation of their understanding on certain topics. If you don’t know the answer to something, seek additional expertise from a professional.
Offer Support and Advice.
Don’t Lecture. Phrases such as “If I was in this situation, I would do….” or simply asking “May I offer some advice?” can help facilitate meaningful conversations.
Tackling difficult conversations with your teen is a sign of a healthy relationship. If you know what is going on in your teen’s life, you are better equipped to help. Engaging in these conversations gives you and your teen the opportunity to explore choices and practice important decision making.
https://noahhelps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/mother-talking-with-teenage-daughter-on-sofa-PDUAY9R-scaled-e1655232571559.jpg533800Tiffany Jewellhttps://noahhelps.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/NOAH_Website_Logo_340.pngTiffany Jewell2020-11-16 09:32:552024-06-27 12:44:07How to Talk to Your Teen about Sensitive Topics
Antibiotics save and improve countless lives every day. However, antibiotic resistance is something we need to understand and face together. November 18 – 24 is Antibiotic Awareness Week in the U.S. and World Antimicrobial Awareness Week on a global scale. Antimicrobial resistance of any kind can impact everyone.
Antibiotics are part of the antimicrobial family, which also includes antivirals, antifungals, and antiparasitics. These medicines kill infections and diseases. Without them, humans will have a much more difficult time fighting and surviving diseases. Fortunately, the World Health Organization (WHO) saw this growing problem and has made it a priority. Because diseases become more difficult to treat as antibiotic resistance increases, it will make all antimicrobials less effective.
WHO’s Five Goals to Tackle Antimicrobial Resistance
Raise awareness
Increase monitoring and research
Reduce infections
Maximize the use of antimicrobial medications
Sustainable investment in new medicines, diagnostic tools, vaccines, and other interventions
We rely on antibiotics to help us recover from what may seem like minor illnesses today. But these illnesses could become life-threatening if antibiotic resistance increases.
Preventing Antibiotic Resistance
Antibiotic resistance is increasing in all parts of the world. Changing this is a big job that requires all of us to do our part. Here are six ways you can help:
Only use antibiotics prescribed to you by a certified health professional.
Never demand antibiotics from your health worker. If you need them, they will prescribe them.
Always follow directions for taking medications.
Never share any prescriptions.
Prevent illnesses by washing your hands and staying away from people who are sick.
Get vaccinated and stay up to date on seasonal vaccines like flu.
If you have questions about medications you are taking, or about vaccines you may need, talk to your healthcare provider. If you don’t have a primary care provider, request an appointment with one of our providers.
https://noahhelps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Antibiotics.jpg565848Katy Reevehttps://noahhelps.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/NOAH_Website_Logo_340.pngKaty Reeve2020-11-15 10:15:352020-10-27 11:17:06Recognizing the Impact of Antibiotics
NOAH works hard every day to impact the lives of our more than 40,000 patients across Maricopa County. From dental, family medicine, and pediatrics, to psychiatry and nutrition services, our more than 100 providers are serving patients and their families with premier care and compassion. You can be part of this important and impactful work through the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit.
Giving to NOAH is one of the most effective ways to put your efforts to use in our community. As a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) it is our duty and privilege to provide primary care services in overlooked areas of Maricopa County. With your support, our impact goes even farther!
Fortunately, Arizona makes it easier to maximize your donation with the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit.
Individuals can donate up to $400 to qualifying charitable organizations and it comes back to them when they file their taxes! For married couples, together you can donate up to $800 and receive the same amount back when you file your taxes.
There is no minimum to donate for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit. So, donate $10 or $400 individually; $5 or $800 as a married couple because every dollar donated makes a difference to NOAH and our patients like Natalie.
Natalie excelled in school and sports. But when her father, who struggled with addiction, walked out of her family’s life, things changed. By 13, Natalie was using, and it progressed from there. When she came to NOAH Palomino Health Center, she was addicted to heroin, but she was ready to change her life. NOAH staff guided her journey to recovery.
“I really thought it was not possible and I thought I was going to end up in jail or dead, and I was not going to accept that. I know my life matters more than that…and so does everyone else’s.”
Are you ready to make a difference for Natalie and others?
Here is How It Works
It’s easier than you may think. It doesn’t matter if you file as an individual or jointly with your spouse, and it doesn’t matter if you itemize or take the standard deduction. If you donate to a qualifying charity, that amount is applied directly to your tax liability. This is NOT a deduction; it is a dollar-for-dollar credit.
Ways to Donate
Show your support with a one-time donation.
Make a recurring donation to help sustain NOAH’s work year-round.
Either way, your donation to NOAH counts toward your Arizona Charitable Tax Credit.
Be part of the movement to transform our communities through high-quality and accessible healthcare for all. Visit NOAH’s tax credit page here, then, donate! You will get confirmation of your donation to use when you file your taxes.
Every donation helps us make a lasting impact on individuals like Natalie, and the communities we serve.
https://noahhelps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/2020_AZ_Tax-Credit-reduced-002-e1655232555290.jpg533800Katy Reevehttps://noahhelps.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/NOAH_Website_Logo_340.pngKaty Reeve2020-11-09 09:38:352025-02-19 15:21:19Supporting NOAH’s Impact – Ways to Give
While there is still much research to be done on what causes cancer, there are still some easy tips for cancer prevention and healthy living.
To reduce your risk, consider these tips:
Limit processed and fatty meats – these include bacon, sausage, hot dogs, and lunch meats. Try for more fish, poultry, and plant based proteins (beans, tofu, tempeh, seitan, nuts, seeds, or soy products).
Choose foods with more nutrients – limit added sugars, sodium, saturated fats and trans fats. Look for choices rich in vitamins and minerals instead such as fruits, vegetables, and other plant based foods.
Eat more plants – these include, fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, nuts and seeds. Aim for 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily!
Increase (or maintain) your level of physical activity – try to move your body for at least 30 minutes a day, most days. This can be walking, biking, swimming, dancing, online workouts, or whatever you enjoy.
Avoid alcohol – if you do choose to drink, limit your intake to one serving a day for women or two servings a day for men. One serving is estimated at 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces of wine, or 1.5 ounces of liquor.
Avoid tobacco or smoking in any form – if you need help quitting find the resources you need at NOAH
Drink plenty of water – drink at least eight 8 oz. glasses per day (64 oz. or 4 bottles of water or to drink half your body weight in ounces (so someone weighing 200lbs would drink 100oz daily).
Try a Mediterranean diet – this way of eating focuses on plant-based foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and nuts. When possible choose healthy fats, such as olive oil, over butter and fish instead of red meat.
https://noahhelps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Lung-cancer-awareness-month_Nov2020.jpg4591044Tiffany Jewellhttps://noahhelps.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/NOAH_Website_Logo_340.pngTiffany Jewell2020-11-03 09:31:482020-11-09 10:18:20Diet and Lifestyle Tips for Cancer Prevention
Millions of people in the United States are living with TMJ (Temporomandibular Joint) disorder and have no idea that it is the source of their pain and discomfort. TMJ disorder, or TMD, is pain in the jaw and surrounding tissues. Symptoms and issues from TMD can range from mild or occasional discomfort, to more severe pain and disruptions to daily life.
It’s estimated by the TMJ Association that around 35 million people in the United States are affected by this disorder. That’s around 12% of the population and most of these people are women.
Why TMJ Disorder matters
Symptoms can range from things like headaches and migraines, neck and shoulder pain, jaw pain or stiffness to other symptoms like dizziness, and even ear pain or ringing. Finding the cause – and a solution – to these symptoms can make a big difference in your life. If left untreated, TMD can cause damage to your teeth, joint, muscles, and tissues, so you want to talk to your healthcare provider about it.
What are the causes
Injury to your jaw or face
Unaligned bite
Treating TMJ Disorder
Most jaw and facial muscle pain is temporary and will go away on its own. If it doesn’t go away in a few weeks, visit your dentist or primary care doctor to rule out any other causes. A few things you can do on your own include:
Sleep on your side with a pillow supporting your neck
TMJ disorder is something many people live with. And for some people, the symptoms will come and go. If you are someone who has lasting symptoms, talk to one or our healthcare providers.
https://noahhelps.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/TMJ-Awareness.jpg556860Katy Reevehttps://noahhelps.org/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/NOAH_Website_Logo_340.pngKaty Reeve2020-11-02 10:05:002025-02-19 15:36:19Get Some Relief During TMJ Awareness Month