Advice to Living a Heart-Healthy Life

February is American Heart Month, so let’s raise awareness and support for heart health in the fight against heart disease!

According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is the number one killer in the United States, and it is the leading cause of death worldwide. There are many risk factors that impact your chances of having heart disease. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) states that preventing heart disease starts with knowing what your risk factors are and what you can do to lower them.

Some risk factors for heart disease include:

  • high blood pressure
  • high blood cholesterol
  • obesity
  • diabetes
  • smoking
  • lack of physical activity
  • unhealthy eating behaviors

These risk factors can be managed or changed. Some risk factors that cannot be changed include age, sex, and family history of heart disease.

If you have any questions or concerns about potential risk factors, please check with your NOAH healthcare provider!

Nutrition can impact your heart health

Heart disease is often preventable when people make healthy changes, including diet and how much activity or exercise they get. Living a heart-healthy life means knowing your risk factors and making good choices to protect your heart and stay healthy. Here are some heart-healthy nutrition and exercise tips:

  • Choose heart-healthy foods and eat a diet that is balanced with whole grains, fruits and vegetables, and lean protein sources.
    • Try to have at least half of your grain intake come from whole grains such as 100% whole wheat bread, oatmeal, brown rice, and quinoa.
    • Aim for 1-2 cups of fruit daily
    • Aim for 1-3 cups of vegetables daily
  • Choose fat-free or low-fat dairy products when having milk, cheese, or yogurt.

Foods to enjoy

  • Lean meats such as 95% lean ground beef or pork tenderloin, or skinless chicken or turkey (limit red meats to one time per week)
    • Fish such as salmon and tuna (try to eat fish as least once per week)
    • Eggs
    • Nuts, seeds, tofu, tempeh, edamame
    • Legumes such as beans, lentils, and chickpeas
  • Incorporate foods that are high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (good fats):
    • Olive oil or avocado oil
    • Fish and seafood
    • Nuts and seeds
    • Nut and seed butters
    • Avocados

Foods to limit

  • Limit high sodium foods. Adults and children 14+ should eat less than 2,300 mg of sodium daily.
    • Read food labels and choose foods that are lower in sodium. Look for low sodium, reduced sodium, or no salt added on the food label.
    • Choose fresh, whole foods whenever possible and try to avoid processed foods such as frozen meals.
    • Avoid the saltshaker and flavor foods with herbs and spices instead.
  • Limit saturated fats.
    • Saturated fat is usually found in animal-based proteins such as fatty beef, pork, and chicken skin.
    • It is also found in full-fat dairy products such as whole milk.
    • Butter, lard, coconut and palm oils also contain saturated fats (replace with olive oil).
  • Avoid trans fats.
    • Trans fats can be found in margarine, shortening, processed sweets, baked goods, and some fried foods.
    • Avoid foods with “partially hydrogenated oil” on the ingredient list such as cookies, pastries, baked goods, biscuits, crackers, and frozen dinners.
  • Limit foods that are high in added sugars
    • Sugar-sweetened drinks such as soda, fruit juice, sweetened coffees, and energy drinks
    • Sweets and desserts
  • Limit Alcohol

Registered Dietitian Nutritionists provide nutritional care and guidance for patients with nutrition-related conditions like diabetes and pre-diabetes, cardiovascular disease, weight management, digestive issues, food allergies, and more.

If you have any nutrition questions or need help developing a heart healthy diet plan, please reach out to one of the dietitians here at NOAH and make an appointment today!

Tis’ the Season – When is a Cold Not a Cold?

By Dr. Patty Avila, Pediatrician

It is that time of year again!  The busy time of year when everyone is preparing for the holidays is also when children are getting more colds and other respiratory illnesses.  These are the most common type of illness that children will see their doctor for, and it is important to recognize when to worry or not.  Most of these will be simple colds and resolve on their own, but there are some that can be serious.

The Common Cold; also called an Upper Respiratory Infection.

The common cold is caused by several different viruses and is the most common of all the respiratory illnesses. In the 1st 2 years most children will have about 3 to 5 colds per year. Older school age children and children in daycare can get sick even more often, because they are exposed to others.  Fortunately, most of these are just colds and will go away on their own and not lead to anything worse. 

Symptoms of the Common Cold:

  • Low fevers (101-102 degrees F).
  • Runny nose, nasal congestion comma and sneezing.
  • Sore throat.
  • Cough.
  • Not eating well.
  • Fussiness.

Most children will be better after 7 to 10 days of illness, but some may take up to 10 to 14 days to get better.

When to worry with the common cold:

Most children will not need to see their doctor with a common cold or upper respiratory infection. Infants younger than 3 months should see their pediatrician because they are at higher risk of getting very sick. 

See your doctor immediately if your child or infant is having:

  • Trouble breathing or fast breathing – using their muscles in between their ribs to breathe or the openings of the nose get larger with every breath.
  • Nails or lips turn blue.
  • The symptoms are lasting longer than 10 to 14 days.
  • Dehydration or not drinking well and not urinating well.
  • Child/infant is too sleepy or very fussy and not consolable.
  • Ear pain or any other concerns for child/infant not improving or getting worse.

Antibiotics do not treat the common cold since it is caused by a virus. 

Supportive care includes:

  • Increased fluids.
  • Use of pain/fever medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
  • Nasal saline with suctioning for congestion.
  • Honey for cough in a child OLDER than 1 year (NEVER given an infant <1 year of age honey).
  • Use of a humidifier may provide relief. 

The Flu; sometimes called Influenza.

The flu is also caused by respiratory viruses called influenza and can present very similar to the common cold.  Children with the flu feel much worse and are sicker than with the common cold.  The flu can have very serious complications including need for hospitalization and sometimes death.   

Symptoms of the Flu:

  • Rapid onset of high Fevers (above 101 degrees F), chills.
  • Headaches, body aches.
  • Runny nose, nasal congestion.
  • Chest pain and cough.
  • Sore throat.
  • Poor appetite.
  • Feeling tired and weak.

Most children will get better after 2 weeks. Fevers from the flu can last up to 5 to 7 days. 

See your doctor immediately if your child or infant is having:

  • Trouble breathing or fast breathing – using their muscles in between their ribs to breathe or the openings of the nose get larger with every breath.
  • Nails or lips turn blue. 
  • Dehydration or not drinking well and not urinating well.
  • Child/infant is too sleepy or very fussy and not consolable.
  • Ear pain or any other concerns for child/infant not improving or getting worse.

Young children and infants as well as children with high-risk medical conditions should see their pediatrician as soon as possible. These high-risk medical conditions include:

  • Heart defects.
  • Chronic lung issues.
  • Asthma.
  • Low immune system.
  • Diabetes.
  • Cancers. 

Supportive care includes:

  • Increased fluids.
  • Use of pain/fever medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
  • Nasal saline with suctioning for congestion.
  • Honey for cough in a child OLDER than 1 year (NEVER given an infant <1 year of age honey).
  • Use of humidifier may provide relief. 

Outside of supportive care, there is an antiviral medication called Tamiflu which may be indicated and started if the flu is diagnosed within the first one to 2 days.


Bronchiolitis is another respiratory illness that can be commonly seen during the winter months.  There are several viruses that can cause this illness but RSV, also known as Respiratory Syncytial Virus, is the most common.  RSV is an infection that will affect almost all children at least once before they turn 2 years old.  It usually starts as a cold and is followed by lower respiratory symptoms around 3 to 5 days of the illness.  For some children the illness can be severe, especially younger infants, preemies, and those with heart or lung defects.   

Symptoms of Bronchiolitis:

  • Cold symptoms with fevers, runny nose, nasal congestion, and cough.
  • Fussiness.
  • Poor Feeding.
  • Wheezing.
  • Difficulty breathing.

See your doctor immediately if your child or infant is having:

  • Trouble breathing or fast breathing – using their muscles in between their ribs to breathe or the openings of the nose get larger with every breath.
  • Nails or lips turn blue. 
  • Dehydration or not drinking well and not urinating well.
  • Child/infant is too sleepy or very fussy and not consolable.
  • Ear pain or any other concerns for child/infant not improving or getting worse.

Supportive care includes:

  • Increase fluids.
  • Use of pain/fever medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
  • Nasal saline with suctioning for congestion.
  • Honey for cough in a child OLDER than 1 year (NEVER given an infant <1 year of age honey).
  • Use of humidifier may provide relief. 

For infants who are high risk there is an injection that is given monthly during the winter months called Synagis that can decrease the risk of severe RSV infection. 


Croup is a common respiratory illness during the Fall and Winter months and is usually seen in infants and young children – children younger than 5 year of age.  It is caused by several different viruses including the flu virus and some cold viruses.  The illness is characterized by swelling of the upper airways including the voice box (larynx) and the windpipe (trachea). Symptoms from Croup are usually worse at the beginning of the illness. 

Symptoms of Croup:

  • Fevers which can be low grade or high.
  • Cold symptoms with runny nose and nasal congestion.
  • Hoarseness of voice.
  • Barky or “seal like” cough.
  • Noisy breathing when breathing in – stridor.

The swelling of the airway can sometimes be severe and need immediate medical attention.

See your doctor immediately if your child or infant is having:

  • Trouble breathing – struggles to catch their breath.
  • Noisy breathing that is getting louder and child/infant appears to struggle to breathe.
  • Cannot talk because of difficulty breathing.
  • Lips/mouth or nails turn blue.
  • Drooling and not able to swallow saliva.
  • Dehydration or not drinking well and not urinating well.
  • Child/infant is too sleepy or very fussy and not consolable.

Steroids can decrease the swelling and can be given by mouth, injection, or in a breathing treatment.  If given early can help decrease the need for hospitalization and improve breathing.  There are breathing treatments with epinephrine that can be given as well in severe cases, but these will require careful observation in the Emergency Department or Hospital setting.

Use of cold moist air can help improve mild symptoms as well and can be used at home with a cool mist humidifier.


  • For all respiratory infections, the best form of prevention is to avoid exposing infants/young children to people who are sick or crowded situations. 
  • Breastfeeding infants as long as possible (at least 6-12 months) is also an important way to help prevent and fight infections because breastmilk provides antibodies. 
  • Practicing and teaching children good hand hygiene is key.
  • Use soap and water and scrub for at least 20 seconds (singing the ABCs).  Another option is the use of an alcohol-based hand rub if hands are not visibly soiled. 
  • Teach children to cover their coughs and sneezes properly by using a tissue or coughing in their arm rather their hands. 
  • Keep children home from daycare or school when they are sick to avoid spreading the illness. 
  • Eating a healthy balanced diet high in fruits and vegetables can help boost the immune system and help decrease the chances of getting sick.   

At NOAH, we’re here for you. If you have any questions for your child’s pediatrician, give us a call at 480-882-4545. You can also send a message to your pediatrician via your child’s MyChart account.

Tips to Treat Nosebleeds in Children by Dr. Debbie Bauer, Pediatrician

“Nosebleeds are very common in children, especially during these winter months,” says Debbie Bauer, Pediatrician. The dry air from outside combined with the dry air from heaters inside can make the skin inside the nose more fragile and sensitive. This is one of the most common reasons children get nosebleeds. Some children also get nosebleeds from picking their nose, from sniffling too much from allergies/colds, or of course from being hit in the nose.

Learn what to do if your child has a nosebleed and when to get help from a doctor below. Also, check out our tips on how to prevent nosebleeds from coming back!

What should you do if your child has a nosebleed?

– First, don’t panic! Nosebleeds are rarely serious. Your child will have an easier time following your instructions if you remain calm.

– Have your child sit down and put their head slightly forward, NEVER have them tilt their head backwards.

– Put firm pressure on either side of their nose with your fingers and hold it there for 10 minutes.

– After 10 minutes, check to see if the bleeding stopped. If it hasn’t, hold firm pressure again for 10 more minutes.

– When bleeding has stopped, gently clean blood off their face with water but do not put anything in their nose or have them forcefully blow their nose.

When should you get help from a doctor?

– If your child has a nosebleed for more than 20 minutes without stopping.

– If your child looks very pale, weak or sweaty.

– If you see blood in your child’s urine or stool.

– If your child has strange, unexplained bruises.

– If frequent nosebleeds are concerning you.

How can you prevent nosebleeds?

– You can use a saline nasal spray to keep their nose from getting dry.

– You can use a humidifier in their room.

– You can apply a small amount of Vaseline inside their nose carefully with a Q-tip.

– If your child picks their nose, keep their fingernails trimmed short.

At NOAH, we’re here for you. If you have any questions for your child’s pediatrician, give us a call at 480-882-4545. You can also send a message to your pediatrician via your child’s MyChart account.

NOAH Pharmacy Coming Soon!

NOAH is thrilled to announced that Pharmacy Services will be available at our Cholla Health Center location in late 2023! This initiative is set to enhance the healthcare experience for not only our patients, but also our wider community. At NOAH, we are committed to making healthcare more accessible, affordable, and convenient for everyone.

Comprehensive Medication Access

We welcome patients from all walks of life, and most major insurance plans will be accepted, ensuring that cost is not a obstacles to quality healthcare. For those who qualify, we are proud to continue offering our sliding fee scale program, which provides deep discounts on medications, making essential treatments affordable for everyone.

Convenience at Its Best

Convenience is key, and we’re creating an environment where patients can pick up their prescriptions immediately after a visit with their healthcare provider. This streamlined process reduces wait times, allowing you to focus on your health, not on your medication.

Medication Counseling

We understand that taking medications can sometimes be a complex process. Our dedicated team will provide thorough medication counseling to ensure that patients understand how to use their medications, what to expect, and how to manage any potential side effects. Our team also conducts comprehensive medication reviews before every dispensing, guaranteeing there are no drug interactions, duplications, or other issues that could jeopardize your well-being.

Medication Synchronization

Say goodbye to frequent trips to the pharmacy. With our medication synchronization service, you can pick up all your prescriptions in a single visit, saving you time and effort. This hassle-free system ensures that you never run out of essential medications.

Digital Convenience with MyChart

Through our MyChart platform, you can easily request refills online. This service puts control in your hands, offering you the freedom to manage your health on your own terms.

Prescription Delivery

Our commitment to convenience extends beyond our doors. NOAH will eventually offer prescription delivery to our other NOAH Health Centers, allowing you to enjoy one-stop shopping with ease. This is especially beneficial for those who have mobility issues or limited time to visit the pharmacy in person.

Specialized Care

NOAH Pharmacy Services will go above and beyond, offering medication-assisted treatment options for those struggling with substance use disorder. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing the support and guidance you need to manage these conditions effectively.

Seamless Transfers

Switching your prescriptions to NOAH’s Cholla Pharmacy is hassle-free and cost-effective. We offer prescription transfers at no charge, handling the process for you. We will contact your current pharmacy and arrange the transfer to our location, ensuring continuity in your care.

NOAH’s Pharmacy is more than just a place to pick up your medications. It’s a hub of convenience, affordability, and expertise in medication management and healthcare to ultimately improving your overall well-being. Join us at NOAH and experience the future of healthcare – accessible, affordable, and always there when you need it. Your health is our priority, and at NOAH, we open doors to a healthier, happier you. Stay tuned for more updates about this exciting new chapter!

Diabetic Travel Tips

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It’s Time For Your Flu Shot

Flu season typically runs from October through February every year. One of the best ways to stay healthy is with the vaccine anytime during the flu season.

Flu symptoms include:

  • fever
  • fatigue
  • sore throat
  • body aches

5 common questions about the flu vaccine

  1. Can I get the flu shot? Everyone over the age of 6 months is eligible for the flu vaccine. This includes special populations such as pregnant women, adults with chronic health conditions, and those over 65 years old. Exceptions to the flu vaccine are very limited, and include children less than 6 months old and those who had severe allergic reactions to the flu vaccine. You may have heard that those with egg allergies cannot get the flu shot, but the CDC recommends that these individuals still get the vaccine, but they may need to be monitored briefly afterward in a healthcare setting for allergic symptoms. There are also egg-free vaccines available.
  2. Why do I have to get the flu shot every year? The influenza virus changes year to year, so the flu vaccine you got last year likely will not protect you from the specific strain that is widespread this year. Researchers develop vaccines that will fight this year’s particular strain of the virus to maximize your protection. In addition, your immunity decreases over time so getting the vaccine annually helps build up your immunity again.
  3. When should I get the vaccine? The influenza virus is seasonal, typically starting in mid-October and peaking in winter. Your body will produce sufficient antibodies within two weeks after getting the vaccine. This is why the CDC recommends getting your flu shot sometime between September and late October. However, it’s never too late to get one, even past October. Flu shots will continue to be available well into winter and can protect you from the remainder of the flu season.
  4. Why do I feel like I have the flu after getting the shot? The flu vaccine contains an inactivated strain of the virus, meaning it cannot cause the flu but it does trigger your body’s immune response. This can result in body aches or a low-grade fever, but these symptoms are significantly less severe than those caused by the actual flu virus and resolve in 1-2 days, if present at all.
  5. How will the flu season be affected by COVID? Getting the flu shot is important every year, but especially with COVID still present in the community. With the risk of COVID, the flu and RSV, it is even more important to protect yourself by being vaccinated against the flu and reducing the risk of hospitalization this winter. The flu shot will not make you more or less susceptible to COVID since the viruses are completely separate.

Getting vaccinated not only helps protect you but also helps protect your community and ease the burden on hospitals and the healthcare industry. Flu shots are currently available at NOAH clinics, so schedule an appointment today.

Watch Out! Tips to Stay Safe from Ticks and Mosquitoes

Autumn has arrived, signaling the arrival of cooler temperatures, pumpkin patches, haunted houses, and a plethora of outdoor activities that us Arizonans eagerly anticipate. However, it’s important to remember that during the wet and warm months spanning from late spring through fall, mosquitoes and ticks become more active. So, before embarking on your autumn adventures, it’s wise to consider these tips to ensure your family’s well-being while enjoying the great outdoors this season.

Protect yourself from ticks

Tickers are carriers of diseases like Lyme disease and are usually found in high grass or wooded areas. Before you go outdoors:

  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and tuck your pants into your socks to prevent ticks from biting
  • Wear light-colored clothes to spot ticks easily
  • Use insect repellent

After you come indoors

  • Check your clothing for ticks
  • Examine gear and pets
  • Shower soon after being outdoors

If you find a tick attached to your skin, simply remove the tick as soon as possible. There are several tick removal devices on the market, but a plain set of fine-tipped tweezers works very well. If you develop a rash or fever within several weeks of removing a tick, see your NOAH healthcare provider.

 Protect yourself from mosquito bites

West Nile virus (WNV) is spread to people through the bite of an infected mosquito. Because it is a virus, there is no cure for this infection. Before you go outdoors:

  • Wear loose-fitting, long-sleeved shirts and pants
  • Use 0.5% permethrin to treat clothing and gear or buy permethrin-treated clothing and gear

While outdoors

  • Sleep under a mosquito net if outside or when screened rooms are not available
  • Avoid standing water such as puddles, bird baths, and pools
  • Cover strollers and baby carriers with mosquito netting

Eight out of ten people infected with West Nile virus do not develop any symptoms. If you think you or a family member might have West Nile virus disease, talk with your NOAH health care provider.

By following these simple precautions, you can ensure your family’s well-being and make the most of the great outdoors this fall. For more outdoor safety tips to keep you and your family healthy, schedule an appointment with your NOAH provider today.

Get a Sports Physical for School

The beginning of the school year means new opportunities. If your child is starting a sport for the first time, changing sports, or deciding to try a new physical activity outside of class, then it’s time for them to have a sports physical so a medical professional can make sure they are healthy enough to play their new sport or activity safely.

What is a sports physical?

  • Screening for safe and healthy participation in sports and activities.
  • Checking that your child’s body is ready for the physical demands of the activity.

Does my child need a sports physical?

  • Yes. In Arizona it is state law that a student gets a sports physical if they are playing a team or club sport at school.
  • And where it isn’t required, it is highly recommended because almost all kids are active in some way! This exam looks at the physical and mental demands of their sport or activity and can address any concerns related to their health.
  • To make life easier and to have less appointments, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends scheduling a sports physical with your child’s next routine well-child visit.

What happens during the appointment?

  • Bring your child’s completed Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation form with you. Write down any important medical information like past surgeries, injuries, or illnesses, and any family history of heart disease should be reviewed. Write down any questions you may have to discuss with the doctor.
  • At the appointment, the doctor will check your child’s:
    • Vitals: height, weight, pulse, and blood pressure
    • Eyes: if your child may need corrective lenses or a new prescription
    • Medical history
    • Fitness: heart, lungs, abdomen, joints, flexibility, strength, and reflexes             
  • This is also a good time to talk with your child’s doctor about any concerns for your child’s new or ongoing activity or sport, such as:
    • Concussions
    • Special needs or varied abilities       
  • Your NOAH provider may also request lab work for your child or refer them to a specialist for further evaluation. If needed, your NOAH Care Team will help set up the next steps for this, and most children are able to play after this extra clearance.

Safe and healthy participation in sports and physical activities is the goal, so get your child’s physical scheduled with your NOAH provider and enjoy watching them play and have fun.

¿Es hora de su visita de bienestar de Medicare?

¿Está usted o es un ser querido en el seguro de Medicare? Si es así, el bienestar debe ser lo más importante y la buena noticia es que está cubierto comenzando con la visita de bienestar de Medicare.

La visita de bienestar a través de Medicare no es el físico tradicional de pies a cabeza con el que la mayoría de las personas están familiarizadas. La visita de bienestar cubierta por Medicare es una visita anual para identificar y reducir cualquier riesgo de salud que su proveedor de atención médica pueda encontrar.

Las visitas de bienestar importan

La Visita de Bienestar de Medicare, aunque no es un examen físico tradicional, es una herramienta para que su proveedor médico encuentre brechas en su atención médica. Las preguntas que se hacen durante la visita son específicas y ayudan a reducir las preocupaciones al tiempo que permiten que su equipo de atención médica proporcione una mejor atención.

Qué esperar en su cita

En la visita de bienestar, tomamos un historial de salud completo usando un cuestionario de Medicare para entender las necesidades del paciente. Si ésta es la primera visita de bienestar de Medicare del paciente, comenzaremos con un ECG. Luego su proveedor discutirá los hallazgos del cuestionario y tratará las preocupaciones sobre su salud y bienestar.

Los proveedores realizarán un examen físico limitado para verificar la presión arterial, el peso, la visión y otras cosas dependiendo de la edad, el sexo y los antecedentes de salud del paciente.

Durante la visita, su proveedor puede hacer referencias a especialistas, ordenar laboratorios y discutir las pruebas de diagnóstico y diagnóstico por imágenes necesarias como mamografías o exámenes de detección del cáncer colorrectal. También hablaremos sobre los riesgos y signos de depresión, viajes y caídas, y otras preocupaciones de salud y bienestar.

Nuestra meta es crear un plan de prevención personalizado para ayudar a prevenir enfermedades y discapacidades de acuerdo a su salud y factores de riesgo.

Qué no esperar en su cita

Esto no es un físico tradicional. Puede sonar como si fuera, pero hay diferencias claras. La visita de bienestar de Medicare permite a los proveedores de atención médica tener una línea de base para la salud y el bienestar que Medicare sabe que es importante para este grupo de pacientes.

Los proveedores generalmente no abordan las condiciones de salud crónicas existentes ni reabastecen las recetas en esta cita. La visita es específica para encontrar y abordar cualquier preocupación nueva y planificar la atención médica del próximo año con el paciente.

Programar una visita de bienestar de Medicare cada año es importante y NOAH está aquí para ayudarle a mantenerse en el buen camino.

Si ésta es su primera cita en NOAH, le recomendamos que programe una cita de atención primaria antes de su visita de bienestar de Medicare. Queremos conocerle a usted, a su historial de salud, y discutir las condiciones preexistentes o crónicas con anticipación para crear el mejor plan de salud para el año que viene.

Who Should Get the New Bivalent COVID-19 Booster?

Along with the approval of the new bivalent COVID-19 booster comes new recommendations from the CDC that everyone who is eligible should receive this booster. So who needs which vaccines and when? NOAH’s expert and Pharmacy Director, Eric Scherf weighs in on the most frequently asked questions.

Q. How is this vaccine different from previous vaccines?

A. The new bivalent COVID-19 boosters protect against the original strain of COVID and the omicron variant. Previous vaccines and boosters have only been monovalent, meaning they only offered protection against the original strain of COVID-19.

Q. Which COVID vaccines should patients have before getting this vaccine?

A. To be eligible for the bivalent COVID-19 booster, patients should have completed their primary series vaccine and any boosters at least two months ago.

Q. Which bivalent COVID-19 boosters does NOAH offer?

A. NOAH currently offers Pfizer and Moderna bivalent boosters. Availability varies by clinic so patients having a preference of manufacturer should inquire when scheduling.

Q. What ages are eligible for the bivalent COVID-19 booster?

A. Patients ages 12 and up are eligible for the Pfizer bivalent booster and ages 18 and older are eligible for the Moderna bivalent booster.

Q. Can patients get the bivalent COVID-19 booster at the same time as their flu vaccine?

A. Yes! Patients can schedule to get the flu vaccine and bivalent COVID-19 booster during the same appointment.

Q. Will the bivalent COVID-19 booster make patients sick?

A. If patients experience any side effects, expect them to be minor and brief, as with previous COVID-19 vaccines, the bivalent booster may cause pain, redness and swelling at the injection site; fatigue; headache; muscle pain; joint pain; chills; nausea/vomiting and fever.

Q. How much does the bivalent COVID-19 booster cost?

A. At this time, COVID-19 vaccines and boosters are covered by the federal government. Insurance, if applicable, may be billed for costs associated with administration of the vaccine.

Q. How can I sign-up to get the bivalent COVID-19 booster?

A. Patients who would like to get the booster can request an appointment online or call 480-882-4545 to schedule.

For more details about COVID-19 vaccines and boosters, feel free to ask your NOAH provider or check out the CDC website.