Tag Archive for: summertime

Sun and Summer Safety Tips – Part 2

By Amit Jain, MD FAAP MBA | Pediatrician

Summer has arrived, offering the perfect opportunity to enjoy the sun and water. Dive into these water safety tips for a fun and safe experience!

Water Safety Tips

Swimming is a great way to beat the summer heat here in Arizona and is a fun, healthy way to enjoy summer. However, water safety and drowning prevention are critical. Drowning is a very common cause of accidental, injury related deaths. Kids between 1 and 4 are at the highest risk.

General Pool Safety Tips

  • Never leave children alone – even for a moment – in or near pool areas or other bodies of water (lakes, beaches, and even bathtubs or buckets of water!)
  • If an unexperienced swimmer is near the pool, make sure there is a designated adult for supervision. This adult should not be under the influence of alcohol or anything else, should not have any distractions (cell phone turned off or handed to another adult), and preferably knows how to swim and perform CPR.

Home Pool Safety Tips

  • Talk to your pool operator to make sure your pool / spa and its drains are compliant with the pool and spa safety act.
  • Install a fence at least 4 feet tall around the pool, which should ideally surround the pool on all sides and completely separate the pool from your home and yard. It should not have any gaps that a small child could slip over, under, or through.
  • The gate should be a self-closing and self-latching gate that cannot be opened / reached by a small child.
  • Newer technology offers alarms, both for the gate and the pool that alerts you to anyone around the pool.
  • Keep rescue equipment such as a shepherd’s hook and a life preserver to reach / throw for rescues.
  • Avoid inflatable swim aids such as floaties, as they are not a substitution for proper life-preserving equipment such as life jackets.

Swimming Lessons

  • Start swimming lessons early! Consider lessons for your child around age 1, but definitely by age 4. It may reduce the risk of drowning. Some neighborhoods that have pools have frequent swim classes for all ages.
  • Infant swim lessons are not advised because there is no evidence that swim lessons reduce a child’s risk of drowning under age 1 year old.

 Lastly, your NOAH pediatric team wishes you a safe and relaxing remainder of your summer!

Sun and Summer Safety Tips – Part 1

By Amit Jain, MD FAAP MBA | Pediatrician

Summer is here and many of us will be out with our kids to enjoy the sun. NOAH’s Pediatric team has a few summer safety tips for safe fun in the sun!

The sun brings many great things, but it also brings harmful UV (ultraviolet) light. UV light can cause melanoma, a deadly form of skin cancer more common in people who have had bad sunburns when they were young. The sun can also cause other health risks and skin damage. Here are some precautions you can take to protect yourself all summer long.

Proper clothing and lots of shade

  • Limit your time in the sun between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. (the most intense time).
  • Take frequent shade breaks if staying in the sun for long periods of time.
  • Cotton clothing is best – it’s protective against the sun and keeps moisture low so you stay cool outside. Tightly woven fabrics are best.
  • Wear a hat: wide brimmed is best to protect your child’s entire face, including the nose, cheeks, chin, ears, and back of the neck.

UV protection

  • Kids sunglasses should have UV protection. They aren’t expensive and are sold everywhere, but make sure they’re labeled with UV protection.
  • Use SPF 15 (or higher) sunscreen on any skin not protected by clothing. Don’t forget the ears, back of the neck, arms, and legs. Carefully apply around the eyes, avoiding eyelids.
  • Choose a sunscreen that has the words “Broad Spectrum” on it – that will cover both UVA and UVB rays.
  • Before applying sunscreen for the first time, test a small amount on your child’s back for an allergic reaction.
  • Apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before sun exposure, because it takes this long to start working.
  • Reapply sunscreen at least every 1 hour.
  • If playing in the water, reapply sunscreen every half an hour, and use a waterproof sunscreen.

Babies under 6 months need more sun protection

  • Avoid direct sun exposure. Keep them in shade with a canopy or under a tree.
  • Use wide brimmed hats to cover their face, ears, and neck.
  • Dress babies in lightweight clothing that covers their arms and legs.
  • If a young baby is in the sun, apply small amounts of sunscreen SPF 15 or more to your baby’s face, hands, and legs.
  • Don’t forget to use sun protection even on cloudy days, as the harmful UV rays come through clouds.

Looking for more summer sun safety tips? Talk with your NOAH pediatrician today.

Summer Screen Time Tips

Summer months can feel long with kids when school is out, and the heat keeps many of us indoors. Spending hours in front of a screen – television, computer, tablets, phones – can be tempting to pass the time but don’t lose the summer to screens. Let’s understand what safe and appropriate screen time is for kids of all ages.

Screen Time Guidelines

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, here are some good rules for screen time with kids:

  • Under 18 months – there should be no screens other than a video call with loved ones.
  • Under 2 years – limit screen time to no more than 1 hour a day of high-quality programs like Sesame Street.
  • Ages 2 – 5 years – screen time should be around an hour and be high-quality, educational shows that are made for young kids.
  • Older kids – it all depends on the kid and what they are doing on the screens. But experts agree, limit screen time for other activities like spending time with friends or family, exercise, or sports.

Busy Summer Without Screens

Turing off screens can make kids disappointed and even irritable at first, but it is good in the long run. Allowing children to be bored is actually very good for their development. There are some other things to keep kids busy this summer – even in this heat!

  • Chores – studies show that children who do chores (as young as 3) have higher self-esteem, are more responsible, and deal with frustrations better. So, make sure they clean their room, make their bed, and more. Examples of age-appropriate chores here.
  • Read – kids should either read if they can or be read to for at least 20 minutes every day.
  • Exercise – everyone should get active. It might need to be inside or early in the morning because of the heat, but get 30 minutes to an hour of sports, exercise, or other activities every day.
  • Creativity – make something or get creative. Help cook or bake, draw or paint, make music, or any number of other activities.

Screen time can be beneficial for education, something many parents and kids found out with virtual learning during the pandemic. But it’s not good for all kids, and you don’t want to overdo it! Plus it can be bad for a child’s (and adults) sleep. Read more about that here.

Remember that it is also important for parents and other family members to show the same behavior. If older siblings or parents are always on their phone, younger kids will want to do the same. Try to change up screen time in your home together and everyone will benefit!

Summertime Family Fun by Dr. Patty Avila, Pediatrician

“There are lots of ways to keep your children busy during the summertime that do not involve use of media and many of these do not require you to go anywhere or spend a lot of money.”

Dr. Patty Avila, Pediatrician


  • String beads together to make jewelry.
  • Create leis with wildflowers.
  • Collect rocks and paint them to use as paperweights or pet rocks or leave on a hiking trial for people to find.
  • Use recyclable items to make crafts.
  • Paint canvas sneakers with fabric paint pens or acrylic paint.
  • Decorate a wall or walkway with chalk.
  • Play with playdough or clay.
  • Make your own instruments and record music.
  • Put on a play.

Keep your children physically active

  • Plan a dance party.
  • Build an obstacle course in your backyard and have a competition to see who gets through it the fastest.
  • Take a family bike ride together.
  • Play a sport together.

Make memories together

  • Create a scrapbook or Time Capsule.
  • Create a summer mural by using a long piece of craft paper that can include drawings/paintings/pictures of your summer activities.
  • Have a night where the kids get to plan and cook a meal for the family.
  • Plan family game nights.

Explore Nature

  • Go bird watching and take pictures. There are websites and free apps that help you identify birds in your area like https://merlin.allaboutbirds.org/.
  • Go on a nature walk/hike and take a bag to find “nature” and bring it home.
  • Hunt for bugs.
  • Plant an herb garden/butterfly garden.
  • Find a local farm that allows for you to pick your own berries, veggies, or flowers.

Summer road trip first aid kit-must haves!

Katherine Taylor Chuang, MD | NOAH Family Physician

Dr. Katherine Chuang, MD

Dr. Katherine Chuang, MD
Desert Mission Health Center

Bandages. Disinfecting wipes. Sunscreen. Check √

Summer is a great time to stock up on various bandages as well as antiseptic pads for your first aid kits. Your local stores usually have discounts on themed band aids which are fun for the kiddos and ease the pain just as much as a healing kiss! Read more

Summer Picnic Safety Tips

As the kids enjoy their summer break and family gatherings become a weekend must, NOAH has you covered with some great summer tips to keep you and your family safe while still having fun! Read more

School is Out…Now What?

The last day of school is just around the corner, and as a parent, you need to be prepared. During the academic year, kids are active in sports, music, and other school activities. With summer here, many children find themselves bored, spending their days playing video games or watching television from morning until you get home from work.

We understand the importance of mental health and have equipped you with six ways to keep your kids mentally healthy over the summer.

  1. Maintain routine or structure: While summer may be more relaxed, maintaining some structure is helpful. Consistent bedtimes and wake-up times, along with regular meal schedules similar to the school year, can provide needed stability.
  2. Be active: Whether signing your children up for swim team, joining a local community center for classes, or attending summer day camps, keeping your children active is crucial. Physical activity not only benefits their mental health but also helps them continue to develop social skills and get exercise.
  3. Communicate: Ask how your child’s day went. If you get one-word responses, try framing your questions differently to encourage them to open up. For example, ask, “What did you learn today?” or “What was your favorite part of the day?”
  4. Watch for avoidance or anxiety: Children struggling with mental health may avoid or disengage from activities they used to love. Take notice if you see a decrease in physical activity, a lack of desire to hang out with friends or family, or a loss of interest in once-loved activities. You may also see an increase in solitary and sedentary activities, such as:
  • Sleeping more frequently
  • Playing video games often
  • Watching television all day
  • Loss of interest in food or not eating as often

Look for patterns: Monitoring your child’s daily activity is a great way to spot behavior changes. Maybe you allow your children to sleep in a bit longer during the summer, as long as it doesn’t interfere with activities or engaging with friends and hobbies. However, if you begin to notice the following patterns, there may be more cause for concern:

  • Avoids talking to friends or family
  • Appears down or irritable much of the time
  • Sleeps most of the day with little interest in activity
  • Loss of interest in food, especially favorite meals

Recognize the signs: A child’s mental health may be displayed in various ways, including:

  • Irritability
  • Restlessness
  • Negative comments about self
  • Excessive worry
  • Loss of interest
  • Hopelessness

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your child may need additional support with internal issues they face. If you observe similar signs of distress and a change in behavior, consider scheduling an appointment with a behavioral health specialist.