Check Out the New Desert Mission Health Center

The new Desert Mission Health Center is just a few short months away from being completed. With it’s 23,000 square feet of state-of-the-art healthcare support, Desert Mission Health Center will impact the lives of thousands every year.

Watch the Time-Lapsed Video of Desert Mission Health Center Construction

See the progress of the new facility with this video starting in late March 2021 and through today! Watch the video here.

The project began in early April 2021 with a Groundbreaking celebration recognizing the many people and organizations who had worked together to make the new facility possible. In June, the final steel beam was raised to complete the building framing, and NOAH celebrated with a Topping Out event.

The new Desert Mission Health Center will be located at 9015 N. 3rd St. in Phoenix. When completed in early 2022, patients will have access to services, including:

  • Medical
  • Dental
  • Psychiatric
  • Nutrition
  • Pediatric
  • Counseling
  • Prenatal
  • Community Resources

Every member of the community is welcome at NOAH’s Desert Mission Health Center, accepting all health insurance including Medicare, AHCCCS (Medicaid), private insurance, and patients who are uninsured. Whether you are a growing family needing prenatal and pediatric services, an aging individual looking for preventative healthcare, or anything in-between, NOAH has the caring providers to help you live your healthiest life.

When it opens this winter, the newest NOAH health center will have 28 medical exam rooms, 26 counseling/psychiatric offices, 6 dental rooms, and 1 group therapy room. The health center will also offer access to telehealth, both for NOAH patients to get care virtually, but also as a space for our patients to receive telehealth from other providers with safety, privacy, and technological access.

To learn more about the new Desert Mission Health Center, visit New and existing patients can also make an appointment at any of NOAH’s health centers or for a telehealth appointment at

Profile in Leadership

Meet Scott Richter of NOAH’s Board of Directors

Meet Scott, the newest member of NOAH’s Board of Directors. He shares a glimpse into what this role means and why he is passionate about NOAH.

Board of Directors
Scott Richter, NOAH Board Member

Q: Tell us about yourself and when you joined the NOAH Board of Directors.

A: My name is Scott Richter. I am the Chief Credit Officer for RAZA Development Fund, a Phoenix-based organization that invests and creates financial solutions to increase opportunities for Latino and poor communities across the country. I am brand new to NOAH’s board having joined in September 2021.

Q: Why are you interested in supporting community health?

A: Service to others is the primary reason. From an early age, my parents instilled in me a strong ethic to help others. Growing up, my dad was a hospital administrator for a small hospital in rural Arkansas and I saw the importance and impact of providing high quality healthcare even at that age.

In addition, as a diabetic I am personally aware of how important it is to take care of one’s health. I also recognize that not everyone has access to the same quality of care. Diabetes is something that can be prevented or controlled when quality care is available. Anything I can do to help others avoid my fate is something I want to be a part of.

Q: Why did you want to serve on NOAH’s Board of Directors?

A: NOAH’s approach of being an active part of the community is what motivated me. We are focused on the patient across the full spectrum of healthcare needs, and that is how my dad approached his role as hospital administrator in rural Arkansas with his focus always on the patient. In that role, he undertook a major renovation providing state-of-the-art care not previously available to the community, not because it was flashy and new, but because it made a real difference in the lives of the people served by the hospital. That sort of strategic foresight is something I hope to bring as NOAH looks to the future of care.

Q: What do you hope the Board of Directors will accomplish during your term?

A: My goal is simple – to make a positive difference in the lives of NOAH patients.  Anything I can do as part of the board that will improve and expand access to quality care to all is worthy of my best efforts.

Q: NOAH serves many different people in the community. What patient population are you most passionate about helping?

A: To me, everyone matters. Our CEO at RAZA Development Fund often says, “poverty doesn’t discriminate.”  Poverty does, however, impact people’s access to quality healthcare. Without good health, any person’s ability to have meaningful work that provides economic stability and opportunity for that person and their family is at risk.  Building a solid foundation that supports people and helps them out of poverty is what matters the most to me.

The NOAH Board of Directors is a mixed group of volunteers who contribute to the mission of transforming the health of our community. Patients from the communities we serve make up 51% of our board. Learn more about NOAH’s board of directors and how they drive the organization.

NEWS: Pfizer COVID Vaccine Receives Full FDA Approval

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave full approval for the Pfizer COVID vaccine Monday, Aug. 23 for patients 16 and older. This is the first COVID vaccine to be granted full approval from the FDA.

“The FDA’s approval of this vaccine is a milestone as we continue to battle the COVID-19 pandemic. While this and other vaccines have met the FDA’s rigorous, scientific standards for emergency use authorization, as the first FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccine, the public can be very confident that this vaccine meets the high standards for safety, effectiveness, and manufacturing quality the FDA requires of an approved product,” Acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock said in a statement.

In December of 2020, the Pfizer vaccine was granted Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) by the FDA and has been administered to millions of people nationwide with high success rates. In May 2021, Pfizer submitted to the FDA’s Biologics License Application for the 16 and older population and was granted approval today.

To receive approval, the FDA reviewed data that has been updated since initial clinical trials (data that allowed for the EUA in December) which included tracking outcomes in even more patients over a longer period of time after receiving the vaccine doses.

The Pfizer vaccine, now marketed as Comirnaty, is still approved for use under the FDA’s EUA for patients ages 12 – 15 and for a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.

Moderna, which also received EUA in December 2020, began the process for full FDA approval earlier this summer and approval is expected later this year, but because every vaccine is different timing may vary. Johnson & Johnson has not yet begun the process for full FDA approval but has issued statements that they plan to submit for approval later in 2021.

NOAH offers all three COVID vaccines at health center around the Valley. To request a vaccine for people 12 and older, call 480-882-4545 or request a vaccine appointment online.

NEWS: NOAH Celebrates Milestone in New Desert Mission Construction

In April 2021, NOAH broke ground on the new Desert Mission Health Center and on June 26, hit another major milestone in the project. Kitchell, the construction company building the more than 23,000 square foot health center, lifted the final steel beam to complete the structure. This “Topping Off” celebration signifies a major phase in the completion of the health center.

Desert Mission Health Center team celebrates the Topping Off of their new health center.

Members of the NOAH Desert Mission Health Center team, along with other NOAH staff and board members came to celebrate the progress of the new Desert Mission Health Center facility by signing the final beam and sharing heartfelt memories and excitement for the future of NOAH in the Sunnyslope community.

The new health center, located around the corner from the current Desert Mission Health Center, will be at 9015 N. 3rd St. in Phoenix. NOAH is committed to providing healthcare for all, and that principle will guide how NOAH will serve around 20,000 patients every year with comprehensive healthcare at this new location.

Desert Mission was founded in 1927 and has provided much-needed medical care and ongoing support to the Sunnyslope community ever since. Now two separate entities, the Health Center and the Food Bank, together the legacy lives on.

Construction is expected to be completed on the new Desert Mission Health Center before the end of 2021. For more up-to-date information about the progress of this project, visit  

NEWS: NOAH to offer Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine for ages 12+

PHOENIX (May 12, 2021) – Neighborhood Outreach Access to Health (NOAH), a leading community health center in Maricopa county delivering comprehensive health services to the often-overlooked, announced today that it will offer the COVID-19 vaccine to those ages 12 and above beginning on May 21.

NOAH began rolling out COVID-19 vaccines in February, already vaccinating more than 16,000 patients, including many overlooked community members. Anyone can schedule their vaccine with NOAH if they are 12 and older, regardless of whether they are a patient.

“We prioritize healthcare for every member of our community, and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, that has meant adjusting, adding, and enhancing what we are doing and remaining flexible to the realities of this virus,” said Wendy Armendariz, NOAH CEO. “We are excited to provide the Pfizer vaccine to individuals 12 and older, in addition to Moderna and Johnson & Johnson. The NOAH team is thrilled to be able to add this important layer of protection to families in our community.”

NOAH currently offers both the Moderna two-dose vaccine as well as the Johnson & Johnson one-dose vaccine at various NOAH health centers. The nonprofit health center will begin offering the Pfizer two-dose vaccine in addition to the others, with the second dose given 21 days after the first. There is no cost for any COVID-19 vaccine.

At this time, Pfizer is the only vaccine approved for individuals under age 18. Five of NOAH’s nine locations currently offer COVID-19 vaccines, with two of those beginning to provide the Pfizer vaccine to 12 and older:

  • Desert Mission Health Center at 9201 N 5th St, Phoenix
  • Palomino Health Center at 16251 N Cave Creek Rd, Phoenix

Anyone can schedule their vaccine with NOAH, regardless of whether they are a NOAH patient or not. No insurance is required for the vaccine. NOAH has bilingual staff and can help individuals schedule at or by calling 480-882-4545.

NEWS: NOAH to Reopen Cholla location in North Scottsdale

Health center offers primary care and mental health services to broader community

Neighborhood Outreach Access to Health (NOAH), a leading community health center in the Valley delivering comprehensive health services to the often overlooked, will officially reopen it’s Cholla Health Center today, April 19, after closing due to the pandemic in 2020.

Cholla map

One of nine NOAH Health Centers in Maricopa county, the Cholla Health Center is 6,000 square-feet with six exam rooms and three medical providers. It is located at 11130 E. Cholla St., Building I in Scottsdale just north of E. Shea Blvd. at Frank Lloyd Wright Blvd.

“NOAH prioritized the safety and health of our patients and staff during the most crucial months of the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Wendy Armendariz, CEO of NOAH. “Our resources were centralized, and we transitioned many healthcare appointments to telehealth whenever possible to mitigate spread while continuing to meet the needs of patients. We are excited to reopen our doors at our Cholla Health Center and serve our existing patients and welcome new patients in-person.”

Services at this location include primary care, behavioral health, psychology, and community resources. The Cholla Health Center will also provide the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine to patients as well as other members of the community. NOAH accepts most insurance plans including Medicare, private insurance, AHCCCS, Kids Care, and offers a sliding scale fee for uninsured patients.

Hours of operation are from 7:30 a.m. – 6 p.m. Monday – Friday for existing and new NOAH patients. Patients can make in-person or telehealth appointments by calling 480-882-4545 or online at

ACA Open Enrollment is Here!

Having health insurance is one of the best ways to take care of yourself and your family. Whether it’s through an employer, the Health Insurance Marketplace, or Arizona’s Medicaid offering AHCCCS, there are different insurance options available. Knowing the best plan for you and your family is important and NOAH is here to help during Open Enrollment.

Starting February 15, you can enroll in a health insurance plan through the Health Insurance Marketplace that fits your needs. NOAH Community Resource Specialists can provide you with information about several different options and can help complete paperwork virtually with you to see if you qualify for some of the available plans.

The Health Insurance Marketplace

Often referred to as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Marketplace or Obamacare, the Health Insurance Marketplace helps more Americans have access to health insurance. If you aren’t covered under an employee plan, or don’t qualify for Medicaid/AHCCCS, you can get insurance through the Marketplace. In Arizona, there are several different providers to pick from, and different plans to fit your healthcare needs and finances. NOAH’s Certified Application Counselors are available to help you understand your options, eligibility, assist virtually with paperwork, and help with your enrollment in a Health Insurance Marketplace plan.

For health insurance coverage through the Marketplace, the enrollment deadline is August 15.

Other Health Insurance Options

  • Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System (AHCCCS) – AHCCCS is Arizona’s Medicaid program. There are free and low-cost plans available for individuals and families. To qualify, you need to meet income requirements and be an Arizona resident. AHCCCS is open for enrollment year-round but does need to be renewed annually.
  • KidsCare – If parents are covered under an employer insurance, but kids are not, the KidsCare program can help! KidsCare, often referred to as CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) is offered through AHCCCS and is available for Arizona children under age 19 who meet the income requirement. Like AHCCCS, this health insurance is also open for enrollment year-round. If your family already qualifies for AHCCCS, you don’t need to worry about the separate KidsCare coverage for your children.

If you’ve recently received a letter reminding of your recertification date for AHCCCS or KidsCare, or have had changes to work, income or other health coverage, the NOAH Community Resources Specialists can help with your AHCCCS eligibility and enrollment.

Enrolling in ACA

Health insurance can be complicated. Whether you are enrolling in the Health Insurance Marketplace for the first time, are renewing your AHCCCS plan, or have changes to your policy, it is nice to have support along the way. NOAH has trained, certified team members here to help you with 2021 ACA/Obamacare/Health Insurance Marketplace Open Enrollment, so give us a call at 480-882-4545, or fill out the form here and select “Community Resources – Eligibility” under Type of Appointment. 

REMEMBER – Open enrollment starts Monday, February 15th and closes Sunday, August 15th!

Supporting NOAH’s Impact – Ways to Give

NOAH works hard every day to impact the lives of our more than 40,000 patients across Maricopa County. From dental, family medicine, and pediatrics, to psychiatry and nutrition services, our more than 100 providers are serving patients and their families with premier care and compassion. You can be part of this important and impactful work through the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit.

Giving to NOAH is one of the most effective ways to put your efforts to use in our community. As a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) it is our duty and privilege to provide primary care services in overlooked areas of Maricopa County. With your support, our impact goes even farther!

Fortunately, Arizona makes it easier to maximize your donation with the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit.

Individuals can donate up to $400 to qualifying charitable organizations and it comes back to them when they file their taxes! For married couples, together you can donate up to $800 and receive the same amount back when you file your taxes.

There is no minimum to donate for the Arizona Charitable Tax Credit. So, donate $10 or $400 individually; $5 or $800 as a married couple because every dollar donated makes a difference to NOAH and our patients like Natalie.

Natalie excelled in school and sports. But when her father, who struggled with addiction, walked out of her family’s life, things changed. By 13, Natalie was using, and it progressed from there. When she came to NOAH Palomino Health Center, she was addicted to heroin, but she was ready to change her life. NOAH staff guided her journey to recovery.

“I really thought it was not possible and I thought I was going to end up in jail or dead, and I was not going to accept that. I know my life matters more than that…and so does everyone else’s.”

Are you ready to make a difference for Natalie and others?

Here is How It Works

It’s easier than you may think. It doesn’t matter if you file as an individual or jointly with your spouse, and it doesn’t matter if you itemize or take the standard deduction. If you donate to a qualifying charity, that amount is applied directly to your tax liability. This is NOT a deduction; it is a dollar-for-dollar credit.

Ways to Donate

  • Show your support with a one-time donation.
  • Make a recurring donation to help sustain NOAH’s work year-round.

Either way, your donation to NOAH counts toward your Arizona Charitable Tax Credit.

Be part of the movement to transform our communities through high-quality and accessible healthcare for all. Visit NOAH’s tax credit page here, then, donate! You will get confirmation of your donation to use when you file your taxes.

Every donation helps us make a lasting impact on individuals like Natalie, and the communities we serve.

Mother’s Day Celebration Tips During A Global Pandemic by Katelyn Millinor, LPC

“All women are mothers because all women bring life to the world in some way.”

Holley Gerth

Mother’s Day is a time to celebrate the mothers of the family as well as those with whom we share a maternal bond. These people can include our mothers, aunts, grandmothers, sisters, role-models, teachers, care-givers, or others. We can also honor those that face the challenge of not being able to have their own children.

Most of the world has a special day or celebration for mothers. In Japan, carnations are a popular gift and considered a symbol of a mother due to their sweetness, purity, and endurance. In Ethiopia, mothers are celebrated with a three day festival which also marks the end of the rainy season. In Peru, celebrants also make special effort to remember mother’s who are no longer with them by gathering at cemeteries.

So, how do we celebrate our maternal figures while experiencing a global pandemic? There are still excellent ways to honor and celebrate even if you are social distancing, in quarantine, or unable to travel to see your mothers.

  • Play a virtual card game.
  • Interview her about her childhood.
  • Make a hand made card.
  • Write a thoughtful letter.
  • Put together a photo album.
  • Sing a song together.
  • Pick wild flowers.
  • Bake a cake or cupcakes together.
  • Use Skype or FaceTime to have a meal together.

NOAH wishes all our maternal figures a happy and healthy Mother’s Day!

Domestic Violence Awareness Month

For many of us, home is a place of comfort and love. Though for millions of others, home is anything but a refuge. “The U.S. Department of Justice estimates that 1.3 million women and 835,000 men are sufferers of physical violence by a partner every year.” Join us in breaking the silence about #DomesticViolence. At NOAH, we’ll work with you and your #child to choose the best path for their overall #health and #wellness. Please call 480-882-4545.