Entries by admin

Effective Approaches to the Dinnertime Dilemma

Don’t let those long work days followed by nights of driving the kids around town for sports or other activities force you to slip into the fast-food lane on the way home. NOAH has a few tips to help you plan ahead so that your evening dinners are healthy and nutritious, not out of a […]

Venado Valley Health Center Patient Experience

Lisa Wilson had not seen a doctor in over 24 years. In early 2017, Ms. Wilson developed a pain in her lower abdomen. She did not have insurance and assumed it was an ulcer or maybe even a tumor, but she did not want to go to the hospital to seek treatment. In her past […]

Identify the Warning Signs

National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) provides a short screening tool for ages 13 and up to help determine the need of seeking professional treatment for eating disorders. Go to: nationaleatingdisorders.org Before you can treat a problem, you must be able to know the signs of the problem and be able to identify it.

Let’s Get Real!

This year, National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA) is starting conversations about eating disorders and vulnerability and the importance of showing your true self to others even when it’s hard. Their theme for National Eating Disorders Awareness Week is “Let’s Get Real!” There is hope in bringing struggles out into the open. Recovery from an eating […]

Healthy Body Image

Body image can be defined as how people think and feel about their bodies, how satisfied they are with their bodies and how much stake they put into how they look (bradley.edu). Studies show that unrealistic body image is a problem that crosses gender, race, and age. Because of this, being more equipped about how […]

Challenge Negative Self-Talk with Nutrition Counseling

Nutrition therapy is an important part of the eating disorder treatment and recovery process. The role of therapy is to assist patients in normalizing their eating patterns. To treat eating disorders, a nutrition counselor can help a patient challenge and change the ways they think about food and their eating habits.

What is NORMAL Eating?

Nutrition treatment is an important part of the integrative treatment team for a patient with an eating disorder. The first step in nutrition counseling is to help the individual ease into a balanced style of eating and a healthy more stable weight. The nutrition counselor is the team member who has the expertise to assess […]

Eating Disorders and Common Co-morbidities

Eating disorders are often present with other medical and/or psychiatric conditions. It is important seek professional support to assess an eating disorder, rule out co-morbidities and to provide conjunctive treatment as needed.

Eating Disorders – The Breakdown!

Eating disorders affects up to 24 million Americans. There are eight types of feeding and eating disorders in Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5 (DSM 5) including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, pica, rumination disorder, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder, other specified feeding or eating disorders, and unspecified feeding or eating disorders.