Overweight woman eating healthy while looking at social media on tablet

Social Media and Healthy Weight by Mina Goodman, RDN

For social media users, do you ever find yourself in an unusual mood after scrolling through your Instagram feed and coming across thin bodies, tiny recommended serving sizes, or another tip to shed some extra weight? Just like magazines and television showing thin or “perfect” bodies can affect how we see our own bodies, so can social media. In celebration of healthy weight week and maintaining a healthy weight, I invite you to try expanding your ideals of body positivity, decreasing weight stigma, and gaining a healthier relationship with food.

A way to move toward this ideal would be to unfollow or stop looking at accounts that often feature smaller bodies or lack variety. Next follow some of the following accounts that instead focus on healthy weight!
• Dietitiananna
• Foodpeacedietitian
• I_weigh
• Chr1styharrison
• Hannahrdn
• Rebeccascritchfield
• Yourhappyhealthyrd
• Therdnutritionist
• Hgoodrichrd
• Themindfuldietitian
• Streetsmart.rd
• Gaudianiclinic
• Emilyfonnesbeck_rd
• Body_peace_liberation
• Trustyourbodyproject
• benourishedpdx

Our Care Team at NOAH are here to help you create & manage your healthy lifestyle habits. Need help setting or sticking to your goals? Call 480-882-4545 today!